@National Basketball Association

Drake’s comment on Fred Vanvleet’s thank you post.“ Good luck on the Guangdong Dragons…..I mean the Houston Rockets”

Full quote “My look alike… the love is forever thank you for your character and your contributions over the years the city will never forget!!! Good luck with everything on the Guangdong Dragons…..I mean the Houston Rockets”

Fred Vanvleet: “relax”

by OhmsLaw111


  1. DionWaiteress

    Rockets probably won’t be much worse then the raptors this year lol

  2. Dylan245

    I hope Houston has a better record than the Raptors next season just due to this comment

  3. ChargingSentinel

    SMH this casual doesn’t even know it’s the Guangdong Southern Tigers

  4. nicklovin508

    Should’ve got his ghost writer to whip up a better joke

  5. pskill43

    Funny enough there is a cba team in China named rockets. The Ningbo Rockets. The ningbo rockets went 4-38 last season and ranked dead last in the CBA.

  6. lol at Reddit making the equivalent of this joke for every player they don’t want to pay and then feigning offence when Drake does it

  7. jgreengoat

    Please houston rappers unite and ether this dude

  8. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    Why are so many people pissed? I see dudes making similar jokes in this sub everyday. It ain’t that deep. Lol.

  9. thy_armageddon

    Glad Drake could take time out of texting 14-year olds to send this.

  10. arrow00

    All these kids getting butthurt over this joke is actually even funnier

  11. Cul_what

    When r/nba or Twitter mfs do it its funny but when Drake does it its corny lmao especially the Twitter mfs cause they got video edits

  12. browndude10

    This dude has a tattoo of houston on him and calls it his second home lol

  13. Lunareste

    Does Drake realize that the Rockets have always historically been a much, much more relevant team?

    Yeah it’s cool Kawhi carried your shitty team to a championship but it still required the luckiest bounces in NBA history and a KD/Klay injury in the same series to do it.

    The Raptors have been back to irrelevance again, I just don’t think anyone has told them yet.

  14. WobbleKun

    anybody caught a screenshot? he removed it lol


    Fuck that pedo dog dgaf what he thinks.

  16. embiid0for11w0pts

    Drake is both a pedophile and a bitch

  17. Slippinjimmyforever

    Fred just got the biggest bag he’ll ever get. There’s not shit anyone can say to him now.

  18. copaseticepiplectic

    incoming internet weirdos taking this seriously as if drake and FVV aren’t personal friends. yall r weird lol

  19. JamesKPolkEsq

    Fuck Drake – doesn’t he have some underage girls to groom or some shit?

  20. WeHaveArrived

    Something something don’t throw rocks in glass houses

  21. kylapoos

    This is just setting up Toronto to never beat Houston again

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