@Los Angeles Lakers

How does this dude still have a job, literally talks down on the lakers every year.

How does this dude still have a job, literally talks down on the lakers every year.

by Otherwise-Locksmith1


  1. keepon18

    Every take I see, he comes off more as Tim Contempts

  2. Goldenboi_23

    I was just saying this man…. Why does bontemps hate the lakers so much!?!? We didn’t tell him to use that barber hahaha Looks like Randall weems from the show recess 😂😂😂😂😂

  3. manofthepeopleSMITTY

    My guess is bc he talks down on the Lakers so much and gets a ton of reactions.

  4. Awesomefan09

    ESPN doesn’t care why people watch/read their content, only that they do so.

    Hater-analysis gets clicks and ultimately more ad revenue. ESPN benefits from every view, comment, and even dislike. No one at ESPN reads the comments; they get analytics from YouTube (or other platform) showing which videos get the most engagement.

  5. Glinez09

    Ah bontemps..his annual laker hate.. dude always hates any lakers news.. dunno why this guy covering an espn news if hes so bias..

  6. Count_Sack_McGee

    So he’s a Boston guy but I don’t think he’s playing the role of Laker hater like someone like Skip does with LeBron or Stephen A does with Cowboys. I think he legit dislikes them and has since he’s a kid and let’s it cloud his judgement on them.

    His take is they aren’t identifiably better so why give them and credit. This same guy was swooning over Bones Hyland and Mason Plumlee additions for clippers last year.

    There’s a good faith case to be made that Lakers aren’t favorites but they made WCF. Even if you think Gabe Vincent and Dennis is a wash they added Prince and Jaxon Hayes which is clearly and upgrade over TBJ and Wenyen and have FINO waiting in wings. They didn’t have to add a star they needed a couple key rotation additions.

    They also retained these guys on VERY tradable contracts lining us up to make future moves.

  7. It’s his opinion. He really didn’t say anything extremely stupid either like some people do (Perkins). Just because he didn’t praise the Lakers doesn’t mean he should get fired. Relax. It’s ok to have different opinions.

  8. bjsw534

    He’s got arguably the snarkiest voice of all the national writers.

    It’s insane to me that ESPN constantly lets East Coast biased guys be the majority of their TV personalities. It really warps the perception of West Coast teams whilst East Coast teams are constantly given passes-> cough* Boston cough* Celtics

    Respectfully, I think this prism that the media is looking through right now that the league runs through Denver will be shattered next postseason.

    LAL, LAC, SAC, GS, PHO, MEM and DAL will all be better.

    DEN got worse and just lost its most important bench player in Brown and the Jeff Green loss will be huge next postseason. There’s nobody on their team or FA market that’ll be able to even approximate the versatility that Bruce Brown provided for them. Which was a combo guard that could even play SF and guard 1-3, attack the rim, great off ball cutter, could pass, rebounds, sets screens and runs the floor.

    Bron and AD just showed they can at least play through a deep postseason run. Now they got a deep team that’ll preserve them in the reg szn and they won’t be having to play catch up Post ASB/play-in. They’ll be fresher for the playoffs.

    If Bron gets right, I’m taking LAL or DEN in a series next year

  9. Vast-Pension-8469

    I mean, hating on Lakers doesn’t necessarily put you off your job. It’s not sacrilege to hold anti lakers view. He’s entitled to his opinion, however wrong he may be, like he was last season & will be this season.

    If my memory serves me right, Bontemps holds every team, not named Denver, in disregard.

  10. Man, 75% of the NBA community are haters, if they all lose their jobs the NBA would shut down.

    Being the best bring more haters than fans.

  11. k0b3yAsHi

    Yes!!! This guy hated on us all during the playoffs, and I can’t stand his voice! It’s a smug, nasally tone! Douche!!

  12. Zaytoff

    Almighty righteous Lakers should never get any hate ever

  13. goatnxtinline

    I like how Alan didn’t let what he was saying slide, even got a little triggered and snapped a bit at him. You don’t have to like the Lakers but when your takes are obviously washed in bias then you do yourself and the viewers a disservice.

    I mean how is he going to give the warriors a B grade for simply re-signing Draymond and then talk shit on the Lakers for doing the same and more? Then he embellishes facts to make them look worse, said we signed Dlo for 20 a year and that was a bad deal even though it was 18.5. and he wrote off the finals lost just as a sweep when Alan had to remind him it was only by 24 pts combined.

  14. xxxhotpocketz

    I have no idea who this is because I don’t pay attention to sports analyst/journalist most of them just say what’s controversial to get attention. Unfortunately that’s the state of sports media at least in the US

  15. Krackzilla87

    Looks like noob noob from Rick and morty

  16. Rentfreelakerfan


  17. im-a-drawl

    ESPN is garbage that’s how he has a job. Outside of live sports that channel is a sinking ship.

  18. Absolute_lakers

    He is a Boston mouth piece. Forever hater of Lakers. lol

  19. Alert-Towel-263

    I don’t even know this whobody

  20. CrossYourStars

    He comes across as someone who is a pure numbers guy. He argued that Dennis and Gabe Vincent are the same player but the only evidence he used was their 3-pt. stats. I honestly don’t know as much about Vincent but it seems like his defense and compete levels are his major selling point which will won’t always show up on a stats sheet. He also neglects the fact that the Lakers almost completely remade their roster at the trade deadline last year. A full season with the same players meshing together could yield even better results as chemistry further develops.

  21. rabbibert

    It’s fine. Every time I’ve heard Bontemps go way out on a limb to talk about the negative parts of the Lakers he’s been proven very wrong. Just last year, after the trade deadline he was saying the Lakers were a bad team because their record was bad even though they looked very good post deadline. He pretty much waited until they lost before he said anything what I’ve again. He’s not an analyst he just pretends to be one.

  22. Accomplished_Ad_8663

    Bro said “they resigned Rui who nobody wanted at the trade deadline” and I almost died laughing, like that’s just hate on a different level😂

  23. 1nTheNick0fTime

    His voice is so obnoxious. I remember listening to the podcast after the lakers won the chip and this whiny little fuck was so defensive lol

  24. Navajo_Nation

    It’s okay to have haters. That’s part of it.

  25. interstitialmusic

    *Dear Slim, I wrote you buy still ain’t callin’*

  26. Umbrafile

    He also picked the Lakers to lose their first two playoff series. I mostly agree with Windhorst’s take that the Lakers did well, but didn’t do anything that massively moves the needle and makes them heavy favorites. The only quibble he had was that the Lakers may have overpaid Hachimura a bit, but all of the new contracts are reasonable and tradeable if they have to address a need during the season.

  27. Thank you for posting this. I was just thinking it. He didnt even think the lakers would get out of the play-in and yet we made the WCF.

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