@Dallas Mavericks

In Marc Stein’s latest column he says that the Houston Rockets offered Dwight Powell more money in year 1 the $8 million they eventually paid Jock Landale. The Mavs came to an agreement with DP on Saturday to counter Houston’s offer.

In Marc Stein’s latest column he says that the Houston Rockets offered Dwight Powell more money in year 1 the $8 million they eventually paid Jock Landale. The Mavs came to an agreement with DP on Saturday to counter Houston’s offer.



  1. Witteness82

    Powell and his deal is whatever honestly. As long as he isn’t getting heavy minutes I don’t really care. I wouldn’t have worried about any sort of counter on a deal though.

  2. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    I dont really care that he signed with us for some cheap 4m a year contract, I wouldnt have cared either if Houston overpayed and he went there. I am so tired about having to give a shit about Powell but the Mavs make his undersized ass the starting center every season so we get to watch him give up a layup line to the rim game in and game out. Hopefully he rides the bench this year but who are we kidding lol.

  3. gigantism

    Good to see. The most unfairly maligned player on the team. People (including me) were so thirsty for Ayton forgetting that Powell literally won us a game last year because he hustled to a ball where Ayton did not.

    Yes, clearly he shouldn’t be starting. The salary reflects that. But it’s on the front office that we’ve asked him to start so many games in the past few years. And also that the replacements they’ve tried to supplant him with lost their jobs to him eventually anyway.

    Glad to see that he took a discount when he could have gotten a nice balloon payment, and Lively couldn’t ask for a better mentor to follow in terms of what it means to become a professional and basic big man skills like screening and rolling.

  4. hooka_donchick

    Dwight having more interest from other teams than C Wood

  5. Nico_Simon

    Powell is not a great player but he’s also not stupid to play for whatever Houston is right now.

  6. Worstname1ever

    This is stein favor to Cuban bs. Not buying it.

  7. Mal_Swansky

    I heard the Spurs were ready to waive a bunch of young players in order to offer Powell the max, but he wasn’t having it!

  8. Horns8585

    No offense to Dwight Powell. He tries very hard. But, he is a borderline player on a championship team.

  9. ID0ntCare4G0b

    Not surprised. I figured he could probably get in the ballpark of what he was already making if he wanted to capitalize.

  10. thedon041

    9 years and counting and his defenders are still saying the same thing. Fast-forward to the middle of next season, and we’ll be seeing threads about why is Powell starting for this team, Luka deserves better, he would be an awesome 2nd or 3rd center, rinse and repeat.

  11. ChompskyHonk63

    Dwight Powell gonna be our future assistant coach/trainer/commentator/analyst/Champ the mascot

  12. Putrid_Ad_2256

    I’d say it’s safe to say that Houston was trolling the Mavs.

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