@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets Reign – Day 24 | Discussion Thread | Jul 6, 2023

**Daily Listening:** [Steely Dan – Aja (1977)]( | *Recommended by u/lemondhead*

by BigHoneyBot


  1. LiilEddie

    Really rooting for threads to cause the downfall of Twitter 🙏

  2. The_Aught

    Work is boring – i liked it better when there were Lakers to sweep.

  3. vladimir_pimpin

    Steely Dan rocks. u/weirdredbeard go fuck yourself

  4. IdRatherBeLurking

    Have you seen the map post with the words yet? Anyone??

  5. vladimir_pimpin

    Oh cool I won a justin Jefferson signed jersey at auction

  6. IdRatherBeLurking

    Pickett spent like a week in the Nuggets’ gym and they immediately signed him lol

  7. chinadonkey

    All I want is a kids size Nuggets hat for my daughter, but all I can find are the white championship hats (which are pretty meh) or toques. Kids thrift shops are cleaned out of Nugg gear. Any ideas?

  8. UnderratedNightmare

    Got an oil change after work yesterday. Afterwards on my way to a store my engine started smoking and I noticed a trail of oil behind me as I was driving. Luckily from the store I was at and the place I got my oil change was like a block away. I fucking slammed it through the parking lots and jumped some speed bumps to get back over to the shop, they closed within 15 minutes of me getting back there. I parked and popped the hood. Had smoke and oil all over my engine and casing of the bottom of my jeep. They took a look and found that the gasket around the oil filter or whatever wasn’t sealed properly. So oil just shot out of it. They stayed over and replaced the whole thing, topped my oil off again and cleaned it all up out of my engine and hood.

    Then they told me if I wasn’t satisfied with their cleaning, take my Jeep to get it detailed and bring them the bill and they will pay it. So a big mess dodged and they took care of the issue. All it cost me was 30 minutes of time. But when I seen that smoke coming through the hood, I started panicking a little lmao

  9. The_Aught

    Yesterday in the mail I received my payout from the class action lawsuit of the 2016 Yahoo Inc data breach.

    I got $60.08 – so yeah… i am for sure going to smoke that

  10. golden_arowana

    Sorry not Nuggets related but what’s with Dame and his fixation on Miami? Bam is a stud but Jimmy has 1-2 years left? If he really wants to compete for a ship then Boston should definitely be his destination.

  11. Bright_Ahmen

    First playthrough of Mr. Morale in quite a while. This album is still so good.

  12. mohiben

    Damn, r/nba sure did turn on Dame quick lol. Portland the world champions of PR.

  13. vladimir_pimpin

    I think on a lot of subjects I have a pretty strong opinion but I’m willing to change it if experts can tell me why I should n stuff

    But not music. I am 100% the arbiter of good and bad music and no one can convince me otherwise

  14. vladimir_pimpin

    u/weirdredbeard post the daily discussion prompt now.

  15. snakejakemonkey

    Would u trade Denvers 6 to 15 with Charlotte Detroit or Washington

    Jackson Braun Watson Cancar nnaji
    Pickett strawther holiday tyson DJ


    Monte JoeHarris Burks Bagley BeefStew
    Killian Ausar

  16. about90frogs

    Steely Dan is the disposable Easter basket of the music world.

  17. UnderratedNightmare

    Wish I was a Jedi so I could use my anger to turn to the dark side and force choke these bastards

  18. IdRatherBeLurking

    If you losers haven’t listened to the latest DNVR pod yet, wtf are you doing

  19. You put me on a beach for a week just expect me to come back crispy. They haven’t invented the sunscreen that can keep me pale in that scenario. It’s only a matter of time before I forget to re-apply or miss a spot and then it’s Nikalover. El gringo definitivo

  20. UnderratedNightmare

    AC in break room is broken. They claim they got someone coming in 2 weeks to work on it. Idk how they can justify that considering this time last year we had 4 people pass out from heat exhaustion/stroke and need an ambulance. You sweat from the moment you walk in this place until you leave for the day. With temperatures reaching north of 100 degrees by noon.

    But they did put out free electrolyte popsicles so that’s cool at least! And if you get too hot, you just walk over and get some. May stay there all day!

  21. UnderratedNightmare

    I know most don’t care, and most are probably tired of hearing me talk about my work. But I’m bored at the moment. Look at this safely hazard!

    That liquid sliver is molten aluminum, at a very low low temperature of 1,400 degrees! As you can see, the man is standing inches from it with nothing there to stop him from falling. He is cleaning out the debris in the melt so we can set a die there to run a new mold type of the wheel. He does this every day sometimes twice. Those hoses you see to the left that are blue, are water hoses. If that was to leak out and go into the melt. science takes over for us lol

  22. Bright_Ahmen

    I’ve been way too busy to post here but work is slowing down finally. I’ve been riding my bike a ton with a new group of people. We decided to take it up a notch and started training for the Foco Fondo, a 50 mile gravel race in Fort Collins. Definitely the most seriously I’ve taken cycling. Not sure if I want to continue taking something that was a more casual hobby to this level but it is fun to have a goal to work towards.

  23. UnderratedNightmare

    Since my stories bum myself and people out. I’ll bring a new topic involving basketball!

    If Jokic was to leave the Nuggets at his own free will. Say he decides to try a new team out just because he wants to test himself or some shit idk.

    Just imagine he actually does want to try somewhere else. What team would you be okay with him signing with and what team would you most upset about him signing with?


  24. UnderratedNightmare

    My suspicions about Eric being a Elon fanboy is gaining ground… 🤔

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