@National Basketball Association

Video of the Britney Spears and Victor Wembanyama incident via TMZ

Video of the Britney Spears and Victor Wembanyama incident via TMZ

by Vishion-8


  1. jackgap

    She was about a foot short of his shoulder lmao.

  2. madhare09

    This seems…okay? Slapping random hands away kinda seems like the job?

  3. lugubrea

    That looks a lot less violent than the reports made it sound. You can see her reach out, security gets his hand up to block her hand, then it looks like he hits her on the follow through.

  4. Thehelloman0

    So the dude shoved her arm away and that’s it

  5. OttaBenga

    i feel bad for Wembayama for real

    1 month in the USA and already dealing with crazy shit

  6. HoopsMcCann750

    As we all probably could have guessed, the reporting of what happened is a completely blown out of proportion version of what actually happened.

  7. nostradunkus6

    of course there is a video. what a time we live in.

    edit: I understand it’s vegas and there’s cameras everywhere. I find it interesting that we have video evidence of an extremely bizarre incident.

  8. REQ52767

    Controversial Opinion: The security officer did what they had to do. They saw someone quickly approach their client and reach for them. There is no way to know who she was and what their intent was quickly. If this was someone malicious, something had happened to Wemby, and security had done nothing, everyone would rightfully criticize them.

  9. Acrobatic-Reaction-7

    This is what everyone is so up and arms abt? Come on man.

  10. agentdoubleohio

    Incidental contact, no foul, San Antonio ball.

  11. tdsas97

    As a Spurs fan, this is a new experience for us.. we never had a superstar who would be in such a limelight and all this is before he has played a single minute in the NBA… An interesting and awesome time awaits us

  12. Doc__Toboggan

    The media made it sound like his security guard gave her a Rick James/Charlie Murphy “what did the five fingers say to the face” slap. This is fucking nothing

  13. Not_Me25

    A whole lotta nothing but everybody embellishing on the story

  14. mikostands

    Aaaaaand the assholes harassing Wemby about this online just looked like morons. LMFAO

  15. gregbraaa

    Both could have done a little better but neither were doing anything particularly wrong. Especially after the apology, I don’t think this should have become a major story.

  16. proposition_john

    Britney called the cops over that? Yikes. Security did their job there. Nothing to see here.

  17. gnoob920

    Not as bad as it was described, but as everyone knows, you’re only allowed to hit the poors.

  18. thuggerish_slimebino

    I cannot believe the outcry about this online lmao

  19. To me it just looks like the security extended their hand to try and block, at which point they strike Spears’ hand which recoils back into her face. People need to stop making such a big fuss over this shit

  20. Tillie_to_the_wolves

    Don’t touch people without permission. Seems like it should be a simple rule. Doesn’t matter who you are or who you’re trying to touch.

  21. LandooooXTrvls

    Basically exactly how I imagined this stupid shit went. And it was completely misrepresented.

    I’m not surprised at all and can’t wait til this stupid ass story goes away lol

  22. Micronlance

    This is tricky because it seems the security didn’t even look back to check. He was just trying to slap away her arm when she tried to touch Victor. Most security will do the same

  23. beenhadballs

    Out of all people that forget what security escort is supposed to do surprised its this girl lol

  24. No foul here but why is she chasing after someone she doesn’t know in the first place? Then post some fabricated bullshit and create something out of nothing. Pretty damn crazy.

  25. canadianbroncos

    Ok that is definitely not the backhand pump slap I had imagined from the description lmao

  26. Cash1m0ney

    “That’s America for you!” Says the entitled overly privileged white woman who’s about to try to get a black man fired for doing his job.
    My eyes nearly rolled out of my head.

  27. imadogg

    “Nearly knocking me down” lmaooooooooo ok Britney

    If I ran up from behind to Britney Spears and touched her back I’d be getting smacked up by security too

  28. LarryPeru

    Man, spears IG story was such BS. She really milked this

  29. MindlessMenu8303

    I’m so pissed. This is it? This is the violence and abuse she endured that she had a whole goddamn post saying that she’s stands with women who’s been assaulted?

    I’m sick of this woman, and her crazy ass fans. I feel for her due to what happened with her family, I really do. But this constant victim mentality and riling up her fanbase who will go against anybody who potentially crossed her is fucking insane. Christina Aguilera, her kids, her ex, her family, Wemby, always someone who hurt poor Britney Spears and her deluded fans eat it up, sending horrible messages , death threats, etc. It’s insane.

    Downvote me all you want I don’t care. She doesn’t need more attention. She needs to get herself some damn help and stay off social media.

  30. nameless_stories

    Reports made it sound like he gave her a damn lariat and she was seeing stars.

    Lmao this was a waste of time and reporting

  31. The security guard is entirely in the right here. She ran through the crowd surrounding wemby to tap his shoulder, and the security guard swatted her arm away and incidentally hit her in the face as well. If you look closely the guy makes contact with her arm first and hits her face on the way down. What a traumatic moment.

  32. Iontknowcuz

    The devil works hard but TMZ works harder

  33. DarthLucky

    Her approach was very abnormal and the security guard made a reasonable move. Someone get Spears off of Instagram and onto a good antipsychotic.

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