@Atlanta Hawks

what we thinkin after that first game? that 4th quarter sucked but man when Gueye hit that three i was so pumped.

what we thinkin after that first game? that 4th quarter sucked but man when Gueye hit that three i was so pumped.

by CoachKillerTrae


  1. GiveTraeYoungHelp

    Vit has to make the team after those passes he was making

  2. Both_Funny4896

    bufkin needs a better handle to complement his playmaking

  3. aurelianson

    kobe looked really rough but i enjoyed the aggressive pace we were tryin for

  4. truth_b0mber

    I’m thinking manek could be a good role player.

  5. Atl-Fan_FTS

    Gueye is already better than Giannis. Kings hit some really damn dumb shots and went full force so I’m not mad. Wasn’t excited about the Kobe pick but see his potential and understand Lundy is basically Skylar Mayes. Gueye is who I was excited to watch and glad to see his skillset is legit

  6. Sammcbucketts

    It’s 1 game so it’s not the end all be all.

    Bufkin was god awful and I saw so many things that he needed to improve on. The 3 point shot isn’t there, the defense was much worse than advertised, and the ball handling was really dreadful for a guard. The passing vision was promising but all things considered this was probably the worst summer league performance I have watched from a hawks player since at least Trae’s summer league

    AJ Griffin was underwhelming and needed to 1) be more assertive and 2) get better at creating space between himself and defenders

    Gueye was great, he is raw but this was by far the most encouraging and entertaining development from tonight’s game

    Lundy was there, didn’t really make an impact

    Martin should be cut after summer league

    Vit is the weirdest player to watch because he is really bad at putting the ball in the basket but he does a lot of other positive things to help others put the ball in the basketball. Idk if he is a NBA level player but there were positives from his game.

  7. Cautious_Hornet_9607

    1-Bufkin looked lost out there. 8 fouls, 8 TO and 8 points on very inefficient shooting. He showed his talent earlier in the 1st quarter, so he will probably pick up his form. Having said that, he also looked troubled on defense, hence Jordan Ford being the top scorer of the game.

    2-Gueye looks like a stud atm. Looked comfortable guarding all 5 positions and also had no problem taking shots. His percentage from three isn’t there yet, but he can only improve from here.

    3-not much to say about Lundy, except the fact that he looked extremely comfortable getting shots up.

    4- AJ’s dribbling looks way tighter than before, but he still needs to get more space between the defender and himself

    5- Tyrese didn’t have a good shooting night, but showed good hustle, collecting 4 steals and 9 rebound

    6-Kabengele, Manek and Joiner were good. The first two shot lights out from deep, while the latter showed some really good perimeter defense. I hope all three of them get a NBA contract.

  8. dangheckinpupperino

    Kobe tried to make the home run pass and straight up got ripped a few times. Also, he’s not getting trapped like this in the PnR at the NBA level because he won’t be a priority to the defense whenever he’s on the floor. He’ll be sharing the floor with Trae, DJ, Griffin, Bogi, etc. who will command a lot more attention.

    Also, SL brings out the scrappiest of the scrappy in terms of guard play, I’m not worried about him getting hounded. He was a off ball guard in college anyway who CAN pass, not an actual point guard.

    Gueye is raw but he looked really good. Missed some very open looks from 3 that looked on target. Needs some more arc on the shot. He should’ve finished the dunk attempt in the 1st half but other than that, solid. I’d want to see more defensive rebounding from him.

    When did Kabengele get so big? And lose his hair? He was so slim coming out of college, he looks like he’s aged 30 years in 4 years.

  9. Shadowsvibe

    Loved bufkins playmaking but he looked sloppy at times handling it. Gueye seems to be a steal although a bit early I love his hustle and he even made big defensive plays and drained some 3s. AJ I’m excited to see in the new Quin offense during the szn as well.

  10. Zaniak88

    Wasn’t able to watch the game, how did Manek do? Been watching him since college and was hoping we’d get him

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