@Minnesota Timberwolves

That’s what I like to hear KAT! 😤 timestamp – 19:00

by -Drose251


  1. South_Ad_7488

    I do love Kat. He always has the right words and motivations. Next step for him is learning to be as good of a second option as possible to Ant

  2. Goink_the_Clown

    If you think about it, KAT winning the 2016 Taco Bell Skills Challenge as a rookie is more impressive than anything Jokic has ever done

  3. werddrew

    This year will be a huge test of his maturity I think.

    Is he a stable, veteran presence who can be counted on to slide into whatever role the team needs him to be?

    Or is he going to be the whiny, unreliable dude who’s constantly on tilt and packed with faux-bravado?

    Which KAT we get will probably define the success of our season, honestly.

  4. Magazine_Mediocre

    Mike Conley talked about wanting to get a ring recently too… Get it done fellas

  5. summit_ave

    Can the season start tomorrow? Go get that ring, KAT!

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