@Atlanta Hawks

[John Collins]”“I was excited going to a place that I knew really wanted me, and was trying to have me…coming to a place that really wants you, really wants you to excel here, it’s a big sigh of relief to know all the talking, the trade talks are over.””

[John Collins]”“I was excited going to a place that I knew really wanted me, and was trying to have me…coming to a place that really wants you, really wants you to excel here, it’s a big sigh of relief to know all the talking, the trade talks are over.””

by Shade_Raven


  1. send-inspiration

    We wanted you John, but your production just didn’t match the contract. Hopefully he finds success and a better role with Utah.

  2. OfferOk8555

    Understandable love you John. Hope Utah is a better fit for yoy

  3. Both_Funny4896

    hes right this team completely handicapped his development by parking him in the corner all game. He’ll do great in Utah

  4. DripGodAirborne

    Johnathan talking crazy now huh, like he didn’t consistently brick wide open 3s all last season and struggle to put the ball on the floor when needed.

    Talking like the hawks never wanted him to succeed; if your production matched your contract, of course the hawks would want you. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Jalen is significantly better.

  5. Mental_Ad_9855

    Whatever dude, wait until you see your next contract and it will make more sense to you

  6. AlconTheFalcon

    I hope he doesn’t have to go through trade talks again, but that’s kind of life in the NBA when you’re not at the superstar level. To a degree, you’ll always just be an asset to the team and you won’t always be treated as sensitively and humanely as you would like. Love John Collins, would definitely welcome him back later in his career. I think he’ll probably have a great season. My dream would have been JC coming in as a bench big behind a superstar PF like Lebron/Durant.

  7. Julio_Freeman

    I don’t know that Utah really wants him. Ainge is probably hoping he can flip him. I love JC so I hope he can turn it around. Getting out of Utah wouldn’t be bad.

  8. Various_Tomorrow_835

    I was a big John Collins fan. I remember when he was drafted I went to a game and saw him play as a rookie. But as the years went on I witnessed a lot of bone head plays , weak defense, unable to dribble and I started to not like him so much . It became a love hate kinda thing , I wanted him to retire as a Hawk but at the same time I would watch him get punked , pushed around and I would be like John need to go .I will never forget the highlight dunks , the timely corner threes and the chemistry between him and Trae . But we must face the fact that he was a negative for this team with his play. And with that colossal contract that he demanded . Like the old saying goes sometimes you have to put up or shut up. He chose the ladder . So long John, you’ll be missed but thank God you are out of here .

  9. ahend1999

    gonna miss you jc ❤️❤️ hope we give him the biggest welcome back next season.

    i want to see him flourish now that a big weight is off his shoulder, it was partially him, partially mismanaging

    crazy that people are saying “alright then fuck you” to this lmaoooo 😭😭 he’s been openly shopped the past couple of years, thats not exhausting to yall? its life but damn what the hell you expect john collins to say? honestly?

  10. Tubofwater3

    He doesn’t fit with Clint I would’ve chose John over him but hey I guess they’re the pros

  11. Never_Oppose_Me

    He’s acting like we didn’t pay him a shitload of money or something. I like John, but since he’s gotten paid, he’s gotten worse. If you want to be honest since he got popped for PEDs he’s gotten worse. I don’t know what it is, could be the finger, could be he couldn’t create for himself, but the fact of the matter is, if he was playing well, he’d still be here. I get the emotional attachment to players but this is a what have you done for me lately kind of business, and the past few years, his numbers have gotten worse while his pay has increased. Any team would try to come off of a huge contract with diminishing returns. I wish him the best.

  12. JakeFromStateFromm

    I wanted you John… I *still* want you……. 🥺

  13. chillblackguyy

    if you was able to dribble without it bouncing off your leg then you would still be here

  14. DeAndreHunterMIP

    love this mans energy and passion so much i really hope he blossoms in Utah

  15. atl1057

    We gave him every chance to improve his game and actually be the guy next to Trae. He got caught for PEDs , LP got fired , and the team wasn’t full of scrubs once we started getting better .

    7 years in the league and he never developed a post move or learned how to box out

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