
Eli Ellis takes a huge hit vs Life Christian Academy. #SHORTS


  1. If I was eli I would stood up immediately and start laughing and start joggin to the aid to get Bandaged up then get back into the game immediately afterwards

  2. No way people sayin it’s a over exaggeration or that bro is soft, look at him 😂 y’all weird asf

  3. He came off a screen and got rushed, it happened so fast. Not a flop, lol. Slow motion youtube videos that you can rewatch countless times, do not emulate real time.

  4. The people in the boo boo some one is hurt bro no one cares about y'all saying boo boo

  5. Bruh y’all weird for saying he’s exaggerating wtf bro look at his head yep guys just put a bandaid on it god range Eli that must of hurt

  6. Why did they stop the game?! Take care of the kid and continue.

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