@Los Angeles Lakers

So did everyone just forget about Wenyen Gabriel? 😭

So did everyone just forget about Wenyen Gabriel? 😭

by gbcolor2024


  1. I think he’s a good fallback if wood/biyambo don’t work out. His hustle is invaluable in the regular season. We might have to trade for a physical big at the deadline.

  2. BizzyHaze

    He was nice, but not for a championship squad. Hope he lands somewhere.

  3. odaschox

    Would be nice to have him in the future but yeah, not right now, either he wouldn’t get minutes or was playing the 5 outmatched every single time, if he’s not on the conversation in the front office right now, yeah he gone

  4. Js_On_My_Yeet

    I miss his energy. Unfortunately, he’s not what we need. Hope he improves his game and gets more playing time wherever he goes.

  5. WorldlinessCurrent70

    Yeah, Wenyen was fineeee. Lol. Appreciated his hustle but that last spot can go to someone else. I wish him the best


    The coaching staff forgot about him ever since they got in the playoffs which is weird since Gabriel was solid and played a decent amount during the season

  7. GenerallyJam

    Yall ride this man too much. He seemed nice asf, and a great locker room guy, but was just not good.

  8. nysraved

    I would love to sign Biyombo or Wood to the 14th spot, and then bring back Gabriel on a non-guaranteed contract for the 15th spot.

    I inherently feel fucked up about that because I like Gabriel and wish he could get something more secure, but the reality is that it doesn’t seem there’s a market for him. And while I like him, not enough to give him a guaranteed contract over some of the other options. I’d value the flexibility over having him locked in to a guaranteed deal.

  9. DomesticDeadRex

    Great energy but he doesnt really bring much offensively, his defense could be better too but I believe he can improve a lot. Just hope he doesnt pop off in a different jersey.

  10. dumbmobileuser789

    I like him as an energy big, but he’s just too short to play 5. If he was a better shooter or quicker on the perimeter, he would be a good 4

  11. Various-Effective361

    If we need to. But he needs a defensive specialist to help him take advantage of his length and athleticism

  12. IskaralPustFanClub

    We might get better players, but we’ll never get better skin

  13. Stunning_Jeweler3258

    He has no defense like remember that Houston game no centers

  14. 1DopeInstructor

    I cringed every time he stepped on the court. I knew he was going to hustle, but I knew he was going to do something really stupid

  15. alpacatempura

    would rather bring back tristan thompson

  16. PhiKnockBet

    Besides his hustle and grit, he offers nothing. Dude is a walking shaqtin a fool highlights, I will always remember that dumbass inbound play.

  17. CabbageStockExchange

    He’s too undersized to be a 5 and doesn’t stretch the floor enough as a 4. I like Wenyen though, I thought he was good when he’d come off the bench with Thomas Bryant last year. I thought that was a good pairing

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