@National Basketball Association

Pistons broadcaster George Blaha might not know what a windmill dunk is (compilation)

Pistons broadcaster George Blaha might not know what a windmill dunk is (compilation)

by srgntalpowell


  1. brianundies

    Now this is some good family fun off-season content

  2. honditar

    One of my bball pet peeves. Happens on here too where people call any running hook a skyhook, any post fake a dream shake, any Jokic fadeaway a sombor shuffle.

    At least the /newphews have an excuse, this man gets paid to know basketball lol

  3. The definition of windmill dunk has creeped from a full 360 degree rotation to just a tomahawk dunk these days.

  4. Guts709

    On the Pistons sub we tend to call every dunk a windmill because of him. It always gets a laugh out of me

  5. Custrdw4lrus

    The funny thing is last year Diallo actually did a windmill dunk and he called it a tomahawk.

  6. brainspl0ad

    Maybe he’s saying “wind mail” ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  7. kaiser_chilly

    God bless George. Fucking greatest piston of all time without ever touching a ball

  8. Cactuses_Octopusses

    Why is no one correcting him either? Lol

  9. OG_Wan_Annunoby

    I remember watching this game live while browsing in another tab and hearing “windmill and one” only to see this shit

  10. Clerithifa

    he sounds like the play-by-play guy in NFL 2k5

  11. Fmbounce

    Feels like somewhere along the way he got tomahawk and windmill confused and no one ever bothered correcting him

  12. JohnnyFacepalm

    You gotta dunk it from forecourt, then it’s a windmill

  13. ForneauCosmique

    That fucking Ben Wallace dunk holy shit. I’ve never seen that play before. What’s even more surprising is it was a windmill!!

  14. PrinceOfAssassins

    I feel like he’s counting any rotation in the arm towards The basket as a windmill

  15. mrobin4850

    George says what he wants and he’s a treasure.

  16. GooseMay0

    So I’m guessing he thinks when someone gets dunked on its a windmill?

    Edit: Never mind, there was a dunk with no one around.

  17. ModeratelyExquisite

    How has not one person corrected him in 20 years

  18. historical_regret2

    I am here to make sure that there is no George Blaha slander.

    Yes, the windmill/tomahawk dunk thing is always funny. I’ve listened to him since the late 80s and he’s never gotten a single one right.

    But I am not here for anything beyond lighthearted jokes. Grandpa George is a legend and I and countless other fans have heard his voice for literally all of our lives.

  19. LegoTomSkippy

    This bothers me more than I thought it would

  20. yoyododomofo

    Tigers got voted worst broadcast crew the other day and no argument here. But Blaha and Kelser are one of the best duos in the biz. Highly recommend giving them a listen when we play your team. Blaha probably won’t last too much longer he’s already taking a lot of away games off.

  21. supremehat27

    I mean he’s pretty old, I wouldn’t be surprised

  22. Harman3112

    I do love him as a commentator. He’s very wholesome

  23. LoWE11053211

    The splashers and nutcrackers

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