@National Basketball Association

SLAM: When Beal first heard that the [Suns] deal was in play, he had his own questions. “I was like, Why are they trading Book? Like there’s no way that this is happening,” Beal says. But fast forward, he’s here, I’m here and Kevin’s here and DA’s here.”

SLAM: When Beal first heard that the [Suns] deal was in play, he had his own questions. “I was like, Why are they trading Book? Like there’s no way that this is happening,” Beal says. But fast forward, he’s here, I’m here and Kevin’s here and DA’s here.”

by sewsgup


  1. ajteitel

    If Book was traded for Beal, the Footprint center would have burned to the ground, and Ishbia thrown in right after.

  2. Khione_Asteri

    really cute that his first thought was he’s worth a devin booker

  3. maryjain_

    No way he thought they were trading Booker for him lol

  4. george_costanza1234

    No way a player can be that out of touch, so he was probably trolling

  5. When Grant Williams first heard that the Mavs deal was in play, he had his own questions. “I was like, Why are they trading Luka?”

  6. Szoboskai77

    Does Beal actually think he’s that good? That Book country/library thing was a lie then.

  7. Incompl

    I’m curious to see Brad be the 3rd option. He could’ve had that chance to be a non-primary option during the Olympics but of course he got covid.

  8. DiscreteBee

    Lmao even Beal thinks the Wizards got hosed in the deal

  9. numbnuts47

    Didn’t he partially force his way there through a agent connection to the suns front office?

    This smells like cap

  10. I dont think this is about confidence. beal and Booker plays same position, so maybe he thought that two all star shooting guards on same team would be little weird

  11. trapHerm

    It was always phoenix, his agents son is their president or some shit

  12. whobjohn

    Enjoy Brad! The new best player on your team (in his mind).

  13. trashyclub69

    I feel like none of you are reading this right. He says why are they trading book? Like he doesn’t believe it either. I don’t think there’s some irrational confidence going on here. Just like the suns must be out of their mind and he agrees.

  14. confuddly

    When Ryan Arcidiacono heard that the Trailblazers deal was in play, he had his own questions, “I was like, Why are they trading Dame? Like there’s no way that this is happening”

  15. BombSquad123

    There’s a chance what he meant was more along the lines of, “Are they trading Book in a separate deal that opens a need for me at the 2?”

    He didn’t necessarily mean he thought they were getting swapped for each other.

  16. Banana_trumpet

    “Why are they doing that” “there’s no way” What about that is making everyone say that he was delusionally confident and thought he was as good as book

  17. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    The suns lineup is just fucking absurd.

    Booker, Beal, KD, Ayton is an incredible big 4. It is wild to me this many people are putting such low expectations on them. If they can’t win a title with this strong of a lineup, it would be insane.

  18. faithfuljohn

    are people here so bad at basic logic and understanding that they are flamming him?

    1 – Beal is at the top of the league in scoring, so it’s not crazy for him to think that you’d need a good player traded for him (and especially to match salary)
    2 – Trading for KD wasn’t even a consideration cause even he realizes that would be stupid of Phoenix and there was a zero percent chance it was happening
    3 – He plays the same position as Book, so a trade of these two players would make the most “logical” sense (in that salaries are closer and basketball wise it was make the most “sense”).
    4 – But even then he knows Book was never the problem, and he coudn’t imagine a scenario where Phoenix would move away from him (hence this quote).
    5 – He doesn’t play the same position as CP3 (or Ayton), and if Phoenix wanted to get better, they’d keep their key position players.
    6 – Trading for a player is not the same thing as saying that those two players are equivalent e.g. Spurs didn’t trade for DeMar cause they thought he was as good as Kawhi

  19. GeorgeLovesBOSCO

    “They traded me for Book and KD? Who else?”

  20. Joshottas

    Beal is full of shit. Doesn’t wanna be the bad guy here and pretend like no one knew about the NTC and the FULL autonomy he had with the trade. Dude had the Wizards handcuffed.

  21. Mikegetscalls

    NBA players are never as smart or self aware as we think they are

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