@Toronto Raptors

Full Footage of the Pro 1v1 (ft, Scottie) that Everyone Keeps Posting

Full Footage of the Pro 1v1 (ft, Scottie) that Everyone Keeps Posting

by myeezy


  1. Not sure there’s anything to take from this. It’s miss after miss from all parties. Nobody looks good here maybe except shawty on the baseline.

  2. dutchfromsubway

    We are at that point in the year where a bunch of severely under qualified people over analyze the fuck out of nothing basketball clips

  3. luchaburz

    Scottie has some plays here where he looks great on defense and plays where he gets beat by both smaller and bigger players.

    Scotties offensive handle is showing the issue of being unable to blow by guys which will mean he’s gonna end up being used as a half court point forward and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    I want to reiterate that if you’re disappointed in Barnes, it’s only because your expectations were too high to begin with. He’s a great Swiss army knife type of player but he does have his shortcomings.

    He’s getting sagged on already in summer workouts, it’ll be worse on the floor.

    The bag is there tho. He used his hook shot, and his turnaround fade is something he hasn’t shown much of and it was clean. I doubt Barnes takes even 50% of these shots in a game scenario but 1v1 is different.

    Overall I’m not really worried; but having your franchise prospect go something like 4/30 in a pickup game and then you see that he’s playing with Bagley and Drummond and it kinda makes you wonder what’s up there. No offense to Barnes, but if you’re trying to ditch the lazy accusations working out with guys like Drummond and Bagley is a bit concerning, IMO.

    BUT WE WANT HIM TO DEVELOP SHOOTING, so I’d rather him go 4/30 then not shoot at all.

  4. GuessableSevens

    I get yall saying don’t read into this, but no star in the league goes 3-22 1 v 1 against fringe NBA players, especially when they’re playing chill defense. He made two lightly contested layups and a 10 footer in a 10 minute video. Could a role player like Mobley have a clip like this? Sure. But then we should view Scottie as a role player in his current form, not a burgeoning star like Anthony Edwards or Lamelo.

    My expectations for him are pretty low so my evaluation of him aren’t changing with this, but the delusional guys in this sub who still think he is gonna be better than Siakam one day or carry us to the playoffs as a PG should probably temper their expectations after watching this. At this stage of his career, trading Siakam and giving him the keys pretty much guarantees us a bottom 6 seed. We’ll see if Siakam gets traded, but the FO is sooooo stupid for only top 6 protecting our pick.

  5. Crazy-Force2054

    I seen this already I take nothing away from this accept 2 things , Marvin Bagley was in his bag , and Scottie was really not playing to his strength meaning bully ball going inside, he was trying to play like Kobe or something , although he can play like him , it was not working.

    This does nothing to sway my mind that Scottie in not gonna kill it this year , because he is.

    You can tell Scottie was really not even trying , when Scottie gets mad , I think he plays better.

    He was just jacking up shots here…nothing to worry about.


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