@Los Angeles Lakers

I really love this new roster man if everybody plays at their full potential I can’t see any team beating them

I really love this new roster man if everybody plays at their full potential I can’t see any team beating them

by gbcolor2024


  1. Temet21

    That last pic…….. somebody deserves jail time.

  2. MrAppleSpoink

    They just seem to like each other so much. It feels like forever since we’ve had a squad where the team is more than just a bunch of guys tossed together in hopes of winning games. Am I a bitch for getting a little emotional over it, or do y’all feel it too?

  3. myelrecsy

    Very deep and versatile roster, if Ham just learns to be strategic, he can adjust to counter every other team’s best lineups.

  4. CooperHouseDeals

    I’m looking at Denver and Phoenix. It’s going to be a thrilling year. Go Lakers

  5. Regular-Beat1680

    It’s been so long since we’ve had consistency in a back to back season. Can’t wait to see the growth of the team.

  6. Ok_Assistance_4777

    So, you saying we can go 82-0?

  7. FreshOverTheBorder

    I dig the youth growth. But we ain’t unbeatable at our best dude. The Nuggets are really good.

  8. Theoneandonlylog

    Where’d you find that pic of Rui? I’ve never seen it before

  9. cajun_vegeta

    Love this squad. Let’s add a veteran big tho!

  10. TreeLankaPresidente

    Why does Gabe look like a hungover 40-year-old Dominican uncle in this pic?

  11. Juaniscool-8

    I’m sorry but there’s way better rosters lol

  12. Ok-Good-8548

    We need a defensive to the basket rolling center asap as a back up. Don’t see Hayes as the alone solution from now on.

  13. markmyredd

    1 to 5 is really looking for starters. We just really lack quality bigs off the bench.

    But then again in todays NBA who has quality bench bigs.

  14. Hyderabadi__Biryani

    I am sorry, but I would rather have Gabe as our starting PG rather than D’Lo.

  15. roggios

    here is a hot take, i would prefer Gabe in starting over DLO

  16. darwinsaves

    They should save their last roster spot for the addition by subtraction principle, regarding the fact that having no roster spot, is better than having Westbrook there to screw shit up

  17. MaximumNecessary

    Yo, why’d they do my boy Hayes like that?

  18. victorioussecret7

    Damn I wish I had your enthusiasm. Without a above an average center and an above average coach, there is no way we’re smelling the Finals, much less the WCF

  19. wgs8453

    Christy and Hayes are the only prove it players in that group.

  20. Winter-Gur-9762

    I’m the most excited to see what Christie will do from here on out.

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