@Los Angeles Lakers

✂️ What was Pat referrring to here?

Getting ass whooped on and off the court?

by PotcoinPapi


  1. LudwigNasche

    Look at the team record. Westbrook was the only guy able to have fun in that situation.

    The new pieces were a better fit while other players like Reaves had more opportunities to show their games.

  2. Instamonsta

    Off the court before the Minnesota trade would definitely be how bad the Lakers were. Every day and every chance the media was slamming us coz we were that bad.

  3. paradauxs

    Win lose or draw just have fun

    i legit laughed out loud and then started crying as i was typing that

  4. adehaswings

    Well we seen AD and Dwight get into it the season before so I’m sure there were new altercations with different players cause they were getting their asses kicked the same way

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