@National Basketball Association

Ex-NBA player Terrence Williams sentenced to 10 years in prison for conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud

Ex-NBA player Terrence Williams sentenced to 10 years in prison for conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud

by Rologames


  1. MrAppleSpoink

    “Oh my god that’s terrible, 10 game suspension!”

    -Adam Silver

  2. Party-Ad-7077

    Dumb decision but it’s crazy when I know there are people committing attempted murderers and rape getting less

  3. rake2204

    Yeesh, that’s rough.

    Every now and again I’d wonder what was happening with this case, with so many former players tangled up in it. Williams did himself no favors by threatening a witness via text message.

    For those who didn’t read, Tony Allen is scheduled for sentencing on Aug. 8 with prosecutors recommending less than 21 months on account of his acceptance of responsibility.

    Younger folks may not recall Williams; [he was a high-riser]( out of Louisville whose career never quite took off but was pretty dominant in 2K11.

    **Edit:** I totally missed that Keyon Dooling and Alan Anderson were sentenced to 2.5 years and 2 years respectively earlier this year. Not sure what’s happening with the others (Sebastian Telfair, Melvin Ely, Glen Davis, Darius Miles, Shannon Brown, Tony Wroten, Ruben Patterson, [and more](

  4. MitchLGC

    Damn he should have committed manslaughter or something. Would have gotten a lighter sentence

  5. __john_cena__

    Imagine in just a few years going from being an NBA player making millions, to being in federal prison until you’re almost 50. Damn.

    And there is no parole for federal crimes, so he will serve the full 10.

  6. DaPhoToss

    I think he’s an idiot and there should be consequences to his actions but 10 years seems extremely excessive considering what some rapists and murderers get but i guess that’s the criminal justice system for you.

  7. TokyoSxWhale

    I see a lot of referee potential in this guy.

  8. desirox

    This is a huge deal man, these are all players we’ve heard of and some of them are doing real prison time. Massive scandal that has received little to no press

  9. BigBootyBanger

    Damn, he used to have the nickname Free T-Will. Whole new meaning to it now.

  10. thoang77

    Instant 30 point triple double when sent down to the g league. Instant disappointment when called back up

  11. forthecause4321

    Crazy how there are people who commit even worse white collar crimes that don’t get a sentence of this magnitude.

    Sucks to be a black man in this world.

  12. matthitsthetrails

    I remember being so high on him… in college he was so insanely talented offensively

  13. barktothefuture

    Judge sounds like a dick head. “Why are you not rich? You played in the nba!! I bet you blew it on frivolous stuff! 10 year sentence and you have to take a money management class”

  14. *Williams has already spent a year and a half behind bars. Several months after his arrest, Caproni found that he had threatened a witness and revoked his bail.*

    Shows no remorse. 100% deserved!

  15. Rumblecard

    As if healthcare isn’t defrauding literally everyone.

  16. GardinerExpressway

    Hard to feel bad for the guy, he defrauded the health care plan. This is funded by the NBPA and his actions put the whole thing in jeopardy and potentially screws over other retired players who actually need it

  17. ShagnarstieX

    Yet a kiddy fiddler gets half of that on probation. Sentencing across the western world need a drastic change.

  18. 8Francesca8

    That’s Terrence All-NBA D-League Third Team Williams to you

  19. Cockrocker

    This seems massively excessive. White guys committing white collar crime seem to get sentences that always make me think “that’s all? It was worth the risk” but this certainly doesn’t.

  20. Michael_bubble

    Yeah this is racist bs, if he were a white man he’d get house arrest. Elizabeth Holmes probably killed people and didn’t get this sentence. He def deserves some prison but 10 years reflects the fucked up institutional racism that is American penal system

  21. Notsureboutalldat

    Ive met him a few times and also knew someone who was working for UL hoops when he was there and dude was just a complete dickhead. There was talk about him threatening another player on the team with a gun and him going out to his car mid practice to at least act like he was going to do something with it. I know this was like 12 years or so ago, but dude seemed to actively enjoy being an asshole. Good riddance.

  22. Automatic-L0ss

    He is going to have everyone trying to get him into their pick-up games.

  23. WrinklyEye

    This is cool and everything, but have you seen what Jonathan Issac did last weekend?!? He literally attended mass the other day and helped pass out the bread.

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