@Dallas Mavericks

Do these media people even watch basketball?


They keep talking about the mavericks as if they are a bottom of the league team and that the roster is in shambles. yes the mavericks were a sub .500 team but the point differential was 0.1 which means they were in a lot of close games. yes they are correct that grant wont fix the 25th ranked defense by himself but lively and omax provide additional help on defense. Considering the offense is going to be great but even an improvement from 25th ranked to 20th ranked alone would take the mavericks from a 38 win team to a 43-45 win team but realistically the defense will jump to around 15th which will have the mavericks closer to a 50 win team.


its just starting to feel like they want to inception luka to want out.

ok rant is over.

by epitome1986


  1. ron_burgundy_69

    Your reaction is exactly why they write stuff like this

  2. skypig357

    Short answer – no

    Funny story the very next article I read this morning had Dallas being one of the most improved teams of the year lol

  3. pubby420

    F em all, Luka’s got an MVP season coming. Zero doubt in my mind

  4. sando2606


  5. xPeaWhyTee

    > but even an improvement from 25th ranked to 20th ranked alone would take the mavericks from a 38 win team to a 43-45 win team but realistically the defense will jump to around 15th which will have the mavericks closer to a 50 win team.

    What is this based on?

  6. Dfrmdabeach7

    Bro just don’t pay attention to these narratives they want to run with concerning the Luka Kyrie and the Mavs in general. You’re only frustrating yourself expecting the media to say something positive about us. I mean we basically have the most hated superstar and public enemy number one to the media in Kyrie. Plus we know that how we finished in the standings isn’t who we are as a team but it is what it is the facts is we finished the season terribly so we have to deal with the criticism that comes with that. Trust me proving them wrong will feel amazing as soon as Christmas time when were top 3 in the west just watch

  7. davebrose

    We have Kyrie so at best we are a bubble team for the playoffs. The tin foil hat conspiracy theorist man child is cancer.

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