@National Basketball Association

“We literally never did anything for defense. Like nothing. Never practiced a rotation, nothing…Like we wanted to f**king win bro, we’re the Knicks man, we’re in New York” — Al Harrington on his Knicks coach Mike D’Antoni (2008-10)

“We literally never did anything for defense. Like nothing. Never practiced a rotation, nothing…Like we wanted to f**king win bro, we’re the Knicks man, we’re in New York” — Al Harrington on his Knicks coach Mike D’Antoni (2008-10)

by Shot_Bank_5843


  1. ObiOneKenobae

    Definitely wasn’t a coincidence how much better everything looked the moment he left.

  2. onamonapizza

    I miss Game of Zones, that shit was legit more insightful into the NBA than ESPN could ever hope to be

  3. KevinDurantSnakey

    Definitely BS

    Teams has assistant coaches who r like D Coordinators

    Sure his focus is O but they have a D plan

  4. vrkhfkb

    Jalen rose said the same thing 😂. How Phoenix D’antoni didn’t even practice defensive sets against the spurs.

  5. No_Engineering_4925

    Based mike d’Antoni , he don’t get paid to coach defense

  6. ShoutOutTo_Caboose

    All the offense, all the time

  7. SpezMechman

    I feel like if I were ever a coach at any level that would be my exact philosophy.

  8. ZergTheVillain

    According to KD you don’t even need defense. Just score lol

  9. unclehelpful

    Mike was working on a football system, he was just waiting for the defensive coordinator to do his job.

  10. CabbageStockExchange

    “Half the Defense, DOUBLE the Offense”

  11. Sparkyis007

    The dantoni love fest by bloggers and media people never made sense to me

    I fucking hated dantoni on the lakers …. guy couldnt make it work with dwight, kobe, pau, artest and a shitty version of nash … ruined kobes late career and drove dwight to houston … one of the biggest fuck ups in laker history was ever hiring this guy

    Super over rated coach

  12. CptPeteMaverick23

    The most ironic thing is that the last time the Knicks enjoyed continued success, it was the hard-nosed defensive 90s Knicks.

    But not once did the Knicks upper brass decide to return to that.

  13. shortsermons

    How tf did Mike get this far in the league 😭

  14. Madterps2021

    Not surprised that Mike wasn’t about defense.

  15. STA_Alexfree

    “Offensive Coordinator” Mike D’Antoni

  16. Based_and_JPooled

    Al also played for Don Nelson. Did he bring that up at all in the podcast? I bet it was a very similar experience but I wonder if he compared it?

  17. PokerPlayingRaccoon

    Nothing surprising here that we didn’t already know. Mike started that whole “shoot the ball under 10 seconds and play super fast” style with Steve nash

  18. dBlock845

    Lol he got all “offensive” when they were complaining that they played no D.

  19. StevenSmoking

    Guess they never heard “offense wins games and defense wins championships.”

  20. drblocktagon

    wasnt al their starting big? defensively, the buck stops with him.

  21. everyoneneedsaherro

    There’s a reason he’s called Mike Antoni. Most overrated coach of all time

  22. ConceptNo1055

    Imagine D’antoni with Suns with KD

  23. OrganizationFar6086

    Stories like this make me laugh at how people will say “are you a NBA coach?” When you criticize coaching decisions

  24. mnight84

    I am not defending Mike d’antoni but I would like to hear from the players that had success with Mike d’antoni, as opposed to guys that were either on bad Knicks teams with him like al Harrington or guys that didn’t play at all like Jalen rose when Jalen was in Phoenix.

  25. vladimir_pimpin

    And people wonder why the nfl crushes the nba in the US

  26. AhhhhhSpaceeee

    What did the defensive assistant coach do? Just sit around and get no input. “Hey so uhh can we practice some defense?” “Are they paying you?” “Yes.” “Ok then be happy you don’t have to do anything.”

  27. Overall-Palpitation6

    Noted defensive savant, Al Harrington.

  28. ZeekLTK

    “Why would we play defense? The longer we play defense, the less offense we get to play!”

  29. youngmostafa

    That’s insane but also not surprising and very obvious lmao

  30. Own_Competition_46

    MdA reminds me of a coach in European football who was the archetypal journeyman bohemian called Zdenek Zemen. His philosophy in a nutshell is summed up in an interview where he said: “A 0-0 is boring — it’s better to lose 5-4”. From a neutral perspective these kind of coaches are pure entertainment, however entertainment and winning aren’t synonymous.

  31. cheap_chalee

    About 23 minutes into the conversation:

    Kev: Who was the guy that was part of that Melo trade? He was a forward… The light-skinned guy that borderline could have been an all-star?

    Al: Gallinari?

    Kev: NO!!!


  32. det8924

    Declining a team wanting to do extra practice is insane

  33. Buckus93

    D’Antoni didn’t believe in defense. He believed in a fast offense. If you can get more possessions than the other team, while shooting at a decent clip, you can simply outscore them.

    Works well and fun to watch during the season, but defenses tighten up in the playoffs. Could at least have hired a defensive coach to do some defensive drills.

  34. Dymatizeee

    No need for defense when you can just score more points than the opponent

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