@Houston Rockets

Starting to get convinced this guy is getting paid by Harden at this point

Starting to get convinced this guy is getting paid by Harden at this point

by chiefmudflaps


  1. Few_Mulberry5372

    He’s right lol Morey very likely went back on his word to offer Harden a max and he def went back on his word to trade him if he opted in

  2. thethriftywalrus

    I can understand why Harden is mad. He was screwed by relying on Money to offer him the deal he was promised after taking a pay cut last year to be a more competitive team. Him not getting a big money extension now will mean he probably never gets one again.

    What I don’t understand was how Harden was naive enough to believe that Morey would stand by his word.

    Realistically this fuck up will cost harden around 100 mil assuming his next couple deals are around 20 mil per year.

  3. harden4mvp13

    Harden is right to be mad if they had a handshake deal in place tf lol

  4. AdmirableRise3758

    Mans got screwed over by morey. Not sure why he would go out of his way to announce to the world that morey is a liar and such but i def see where hes coming from.

    Sixers season is gonna be a mess

  5. Bewaretheicespiders

    Since Twitter started paying per-reply-to-post, a lot of people are just asking questions or talking non-sense to get as many replies as possible.

  6. BenchPointsChamp

    I’m actually on Harden’s side on this one. Yes, I was in the “don’t bring Harden back” camp, but that was based on what I believe this young team needs the most to move forward and the understanding that he wanted a 4yr max. On this, however, yeah I mean the dude took a pay cut with the promise of more money later, and then Morey reneged on that. Is it also partially on Harden for trusting Morey’s word without it being in a contract? Sure, to an extent. But it seems that Morey was dishonest and swindled Harden into a contract that served Morey’s interests at Harden’s expense. We of course don’t know all the details of what was discussed leading up to Harden’s contract signing, but I find it hard to believe that he’s just making it up. Seems like a classic case of bait and switch to me.

  7. kevtheproblem

    Well, both of them ain’t our problem no more

  8. Thugluvdoc

    I’m not a fan of Harden other than when he was with the rockets.

    But he got wronged. Simple as that. The problem is their deal was illegal and under the table. When you make deals under the table and you don’t have leverage, this is what happens.

    I feel badly for him – he’s out $200M. But he is making $45M this year and has made a lot in his career. This is a lesson learned for all young players signing contracts

  9. ConsistentCaramel493

    I dont care. Whats mama Eason saying? What is the status of her podcast?

  10. TedBenekeGoneWild

    Starting to get convinced that you’re being paid by Morey at this point

  11. ptcgoalex

    What annoys me is everyone pretending like James Harden is cheeks now. Look at any advanced statistic. Harden last season is in the top 15-20 in that statistic.

    That’s while he played the backseat role to secure embiid an MVP.

  12. onsite84

    I’m with Will on this. Harden isn’t doing himself any favors going scorched earth, but Morey pulled the rug out from under him, and that was his boy.

  13. ContributionKey2310

    This guy doesn’t understand that no one cares where Harden wants to play anymore. He signed the long-term contract. He should be signing one year deals considering he has requested trades from 3 teams in 4 years, but he won’t do that because he is trying to get more money.

  14. He’s right tho. Morey lied and Harden is out of millions in the process. You’d be fucking livid too

  15. theAlphabetZebra

    Morey never outrunning the accusations of treating players like assets now. Harden was his golden calf and he’s pretty obviously reneging a handshake.

  16. Man, I swear people here just want to pile on to Harden without actually knowing what happened.

    He got screwed out of millions of dollars by what I am sure everyone thought was a good “friend” of his.

  17. Bewaretheicespiders

    Had to finally mute a bunch of them today. For weeks they *all* rant about how Jalen is underrated. By whom ?!? Then, *exactly at the same time*, they all start the same narrative about Harden. Right or wrong, its organized marketing.

  18. lambopanda

    Morey is always business only. He’s making trades all the time. There’s no loyalty unless you are the superstar. Unfortunately for Harden, he was the superstar in Houston, but not in Philly.

  19. AnyEstablishment5723

    I dont blame anyone for being that defensive of him he gets shitcanned by the media 24/7

  20. htownballa1


  21. Th3_Paradox

    In business, if you do not have it IN WRITING, then you do not really have it 🤷🏾‍♂️

  22. AstroRocket713

    Rafael Stone is Daryl Moreys father!

  23. So OP, I see the comment section isn’t going the way you thought.

  24. Psykotixx

    I’ve been pro Harden pretty much to this point. He’s right that he got screwed. I’m not pissed at what he’s saying but I’m pissed at WHERE he’s talking this shit. Due to the history of Moreys Hong Kong tweet I think James should have saved it for a different crowd.

    And if this is intentional with Chinese Morey hate in mind then fuck him completely. Although I don’t think it is considering the 76ers said they were no longer engaging in trade talks during his tour so probably coincidental. This issue also where I lost my last bit of respect for lebron.


    You’re proving his point. Harden’s not even the first former rockets player to say Morey is a liar.

  26. juan_cena99

    While I do believe Morey screwed Harden over by being a lying sack of shit I don’t think Harden is doing himself any favors with his actions.

    At the end of the day he is still under contract with the Sixers for this season he should conduct himself as a professional and play his contract out instead of acting like a baby, maybe hanging out with De Baby is rubbing off on him.

    He will still make 35M this year regardless, that’s a lot fo money. Maybe if he didn’t spend so much time partying and took his game to another level some other team would pay him the max.

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