@National Basketball Association

[Lombardi] As an executive, you can never lie to players or make promises you cannot fulfill. Once that occurs, it’s over and there is no way out. Harden took less, expecting more the next year–and now it’s a mess. No PR propaganda will save them now.

[Michael Lombardi](

> As an executive, you can never lie to players or make promises you cannot fulfill. Once that occurs, it’s over and there is no way out. Harden took less, expecting more the next year–and now it’s a mess. No PR propaganda will save them now.

If other players — around the league and on the Sixers — begin to believe Morey will make financial promises to them that he won’t keep, I can’t imagine the Sixers will be inclined to keep Morey around much longer.

by lopea182


  1. TomShoe02

    Is there any proof or is this just a wink and nudge type deal?

    If so I can’t see any damages Philly might suffer aside to their reputation. And they’ll just make Morey the fall guy for that.

  2. Classics22

    Would love to know what actually happened. There’s a big difference between promising to send him somewhere and “we’ll do our best to find a good spot for you” or whatever. I bet if you asked either of them you would get two different answers on what was actually said.

    EDIT: FWIW this applies to the Blazers too. Reassuring Dame that they wanted to add pieces to compete and “I promise you we are trading the pick” are two very different things. If Cronin ever said that latter I can’t blame Dame at all for the Miami shit. If they actually *tried* to compete and pivoted when they failed and landed with Scoot that’s a very different scenario.

  3. Otherwise_Warning922

    I love the people that respond “YEAH WELL GMS LIE” as if that’s something the players have to respect lol.

    This isn’t ending well for the 76ers

  4. ViCarly

    Yeah I’m sure this event is going yo stop the conga line of FAs that were desperate to come to Philly beforehand. Who is the last one that came here?

  5. bosoxlover12

    In Games 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7 against the Celtics, Harden averaged 13.4ppg on 27.6% shooting from the field and 19.7% from 3pt range.

    I don’t care what “understanding” there was — its not a legal contract and he’s not worth anywhere near a max deal. When Harden was “promised” this max contract, I’m sure it was with the understanding that he’d be worth that contract as a 20-25ppg scorer

  6. nowhathappenedwas

    All so that they could overpay PJ Tucker and Danuel House.

  7. SpinJitsu259

    What if you don’t want to support Harden or Morey? What if you really don’t enjoy either of them? What are *we* supposed with this development? Lol

  8. frodounchained

    I’m on hardens side do what u gotta do playa

  9. thisisbyrdman

    Why is Michael Lombardi weighing in on this? Who the hell cares what he thinks?

  10. jakekerr

    You can give Mark Cuban a lot of grief for a lot of things, but players love the hell out of him. Dirk did the exact same thing with Cuban that Harden presumably did with Morey–he took a massive team-friendly discount to get better players. It didn’t work out, but the important thing is that when Dirk was fairly in decline, Cuban gave him a max contract to close out his career, WAY overpaying for his skills at the time.

  11. Philly139

    Morey needs to come out with his side of the story

  12. SirShmooey

    No one cares what certified moron Mike Lombardi thinks.

  13. Obscure-Rupee

    Are you allowed to tell players that you’ll get them back next contract for a lower contract this season? Seems like skirting the luxury tax rules. This is why you always get your contracts in writing. Does Morey suck for reneging? Absolutely. But Harden also should have got what he wanted in a contract otherwise there’s no way to know if someone will go through with their side of the bargain. You can’t renew on a contract after signing an extension because something that wasn’t in the contract wasn’t fulfilled. It just doesn’t make any sense.

  14. Difficult_E

    somehow this is all Ben Simmons fault

  15. Niceguydan8

    I think there’s a good chance that Harden might have ruined Morey’s career as an NBA executive.

  16. Daryl morey is the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met do not trust him

  17. DubsFanAccount

    Best practices are to assume both parties are lying here, or at least, spinning things in ways favorable to themselves.

  18. Illustrious-Stuff-70

    Like players and GM say….”it’s business”. It sucks for harden, but bro, you know not to take verbal agreement 😂🤣😂 seriously, you think anyone is going to keep their word when it comes to their interest or job lol….come on bro and take this L

  19. Swarmoro

    wait, Masai Ujiri did that and after won a ring. Winning solves alot of issues. So just win win win

  20. ASithLordNoAffect

    Not Morey’s fault that Harden let himself go and refuses to get in shape.

  21. Thickencreamy

    Did the lie become false AFTER he demanded a trade? Seems relevant that

  22. CaliHereIAm94

    It’s the principle. I literally went through the same thing at my last job. I actually thought pretty highly of my boss but once you start making false promises related to money, it’s done.

    Ceo/owner promised a raise in a year. Never came. Yet expected performance to stay the same (even added responsibilities), slashed bonuses and had the audacity to complain about #’s. I called him a bum in our last conversation and told him to brush up on his skills and resume because he might actually need a w2 soon with the way he manages.

  23. SixGunChimp

    I don’t even like James Harden, but I 100% side with him on this one. Lying employers deserve to be called out.

  24. addictivesign

    Exactly. This could be a career ender for Daryl Morey. Which superstar is gonna want to go to a team where he is GM/President with Morey being unreliable and having a reputation for not fulfilling what he promised.

    Agents are not gonna want to do business with him. Which franchise owner would employ Morey?

  25. peepeedog

    Aren’t under the table promises like that forbidden? Like people just openly talking about violations that have historically ended up with lost draft picks.

  26. I’ll agree if the players also agree not to demand trades a year after signing a supermax/max contract.

  27. RaycharlesN

    Harden didn’t say he had an under the table agreement did he? I understood his comment to mean that they aren’t meeting his trade request

  28. eyeronik1

    It’s against NBA rules to make a side deal like that. This is good for the league.

  29. Siakim43

    Meh, The Process was over when Hinkie was ousted and I’ve lost interest.

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