@Toronto Raptors

How Long Before Nick is Evaluating His New Relationship?

Embiid just took Philadelphia off his location and Tucker is declaring his support for Harden. I wonder if Nurse wakes up in the morning wondering what kind of awesomeness has happened during the night… This is amazing drama…

by Fun-Opportunity-551


  1. OGnotAnunoby

    He gets paid regardless so it is what it is

  2. Affectionate_Box_587

    Top notch Schadenfreude right here


    I’m sure he goes to bed crying next to 32 million dollars.

  4. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Im sure he sleeps soundly in the knowledge he has a $32m contract

    Why do we keep slinging thinly veiled digs at our best ever coach?

  5. okuokuoku00

    When your toxic Ex leaves you for a toxic douchebag you need to block both of them on social media and live your best life knowing that the grass is greener where you water it. ✌️

  6. thistreestands

    He got fired here. It’s not like he left to go to Philly.

  7. MDS_1996

    He still lives rent free in the minds of some people on this sub, dude got his chip and is collecting 32M, he ran his course here and he’s moved on to Philly.

    Hopefully some of y’all can move on eventually 🤣🤣

  8. IntriguedMck

    Nick Nurse after 10 weeks: It’s been 10 weeks for me now which is a pretty good run…10 weeks is a good time to sit back and reflect a little bit

  9. Kevita24

    I mean…honestly, it’s still a good situation, Embiid and harden are bother worth a haul of picks and players, that re-build would be pretty nice if that’s the direction the ended up going

  10. Big_Albatross_3050

    I still think Nurse will win multiple other chips eventually. Probably not in Philly, but he’s proven to be very good raising the ceilings of teams. The 2019 team was at or slightly above their ceiling on paper all season which lead to the chip, same with the 2020 team, though admittedly Boston was on par and got the few lucky bounces and Pascal laying an egg to their benefit.

  11. matthitsthetrails

    Is our situation that much better? I mean we still gotta nuke the roster

  12. obnoxious-redditr

    Please let it be Doug who asks him about his thoughts on things which triggers an epic “Maybe I need to evaluate” speech.

  13. a_stopped_clock

    Honestly what kind of weirdos are on this sub? He was a huge part of our one and only chip. He overachieved at least for a few years. He played with the Arkells and overall has cool ideas about life in general. Loves Canada and Toronto. He was fired, he didn’t quit. Why such a hard on for him? And today it doesn’t matter what happens in Philly as we are nowhere near being competitive again. And that’s totally ok. People need to remember how shit some raptors years were. Our fan base has become unbelievably entitled. We could do with a year or two of languishing in the depths of being dogshit to be brought back to reality.

  14. octopus86sg

    He is laughing his way to back while we are sulking at Reddit.

  15. hammyhamm

    Nick got a bag; I’ll always support his power squad angry yelling during games. Don’t drag that champ, nephew

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