@National Basketball Association

[Podcast P] Stephen A. Smith says that LeBron James, Rich Paul, and his camp drive him crazy because they can’t accept him being #2 All-Time. One day he told Rich Paul to “Get the f**k out of my face.”

[Podcast P] Stephen A. Smith says that LeBron James, Rich Paul, and his camp drive him crazy because they can’t accept him being #2 All-Time. One day he told Rich Paul to “Get the f**k out of my face.”

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. EarthWarping

    Goat debates are the worst no matter who you support

  2. CalmResearch3132

    That’s because LeBron is #13 all time.

  3. HearingGlobal6485

    imagine if GMs spoke to Rich Paul how SAS does

  4. Longjumping_Bath_808

    If Rich Paul used the same argument and placed MJ at #2, we would see Stephen A. flip out and call everyone blasphemous for putting MJ at #2.

  5. Wow I can’t imagine something driving Stephen A Smith crazy. He’s usually the calmest guy in sports media

  6. hence_1999

    Coulda swore I saw a clip where maverick carter said Jordan is the goat and he’s like Brons best friend.

  7. hairyasscheeks_

    SAS acts like he doesn’t throw a tantrum when someone dares put MJ at 2

  8. Hey1243

    Stealing tweet

    SAS is dressing like someone told him there’d be hoes there

  9. ProblematicAndCrazy

    I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for 500

  10. grudgepacker

    I can generally tolerate SAS most of the time and occasionally even find him entertaining but he really came off overall as an arrogant, condescending, self-righteous prick in this interview. Probably the worst Podcast P guest yet and SAS even made me feel sorry for Jackie because of how much of a jackass he was to him

  11. redditsucksnow19

    lmao SAS always trying to make himself sound more important than he is

  12. Checkmynewsong

    I hate this petty shit. Sports reporting has become garbage

  13. M00semeat60

    Okay am I crazy for thinking of MJ or his people were like no it’s an insult to say he’s 2 people would be like wow mj still competitive that’s awesome

  14. vsha1989

    Lebron’s camp once tried to get Michelle Beadle fired from ESPN for criticizing how he handled “the decision”. This is not surprising at all, can’t accept he’s not the GOAT

  15. everyoneneedsaherro

    [Daily reminder LeBron and his camp tried to get Michelle Beadle fired off ESPN because she was “mean” to LeBron](

    Edit: best part of the article

    > But then I found out after the fact, when all of this sort of came out, I would get messages or texts or videos from people being like, that kind of s*** was happening to them too. He was super petty and he would try to have some sort of an effect, whether it would be small or whatever, just an effect

    Seems like Beadle wasn’t the only person he tried to mess with in the media

    Edit 2: [to all the idiots saying LeBron didn’t try to get her fired](

  16. BramptonBatallion

    If LeBron can’t be satisfied in life, then nobody can, lol. He literally has everything.

  17. crackhousebob

    I don’t think anyone has LeBron at #1 all-time besides LeBron and Rich Paul haha

  18. BringBackFatMac

    Stephen A trying to become the new pope with that drip?

  19. Arooooooooooooooo

    > “Get the f**k out of my face.”

    Was Rich standing on a stool or something?

  20. Background_Action_92

    I like Stephen A. He knows how to maximize his character work like how a wrestling manager would. When he and Paul Heyman had their segment, you can see Stephen was taking notes

  21. Model3_0513

    But how does Stephen A feel about being the #2 troll of all time?

  22. winter-r0se

    stephen a pretending like bron’s camp doesn’t like him because of a goat debate that has only began consuming media takes post 2016 (but really picked up 2018) when they haven’t been fucking with him for yearsss before that??? so fucking disingenuous

    stephen a consistently has dumb takes on bron that aren’t goat debate related.. just look at all the nonsense from the warriors – lakers series. like be serious

    also the lack of self awareness when he’s admitted to being friends with and going golfing with certain stars & players.. always giving them good coverage. alright

  23. ImNoSir

    Agent of client who makes him beyond wealthy does everything in his power to keep that client happy, more at 11

  24. stogie_t

    If Bron was okay with just being 2nd place, then he would have never had the mentality that got him to where he is today.

    You don’t just accidentally become the best, you need an obsessive drive to come even close.

  25. elon_is_cringe

    SAS is a hall of fame entertainer and no one can convince me otherwise


    This guy funny when he swears. I’d actually watch first take if it was unfiltered

  27. Truthful_Azn

    Dont worry, Lebronze is not number 2 and he will never get there.

  28. The thing that confuses the most about LeBron fans acting like it’s disrespectful to say he isn’t the goat is because he actually isn’t.

    And tbf to LeBron. MJ isn’t some Wayne Gretzky or Lionel Messi of basketball where he is the goat by some distance. I’d find it silly if a MJ fan acted like it was a slight on him to put LeBron first and MJ second.

    But come on lol, **TWO** 3-peats… Best player on the court all 6 times. 33 ppg in the playoffs, 10 scoring titles, DPOY…

  29. JobRich1277

    Maverick Carter, Dwade, and some other people that are extremely close with LeBron and openly call Jordan the goat. And I doubt there was this reaction.

  30. Not saying he is right or wrong in this case but I don’t understand why people tolerate Stephen A

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