@National Basketball Association

Paul Pierce: “[Kevin Garnett] said ‘If you ever want to see how real a motherf*cker is, give him a boatload of money’… I didn’t get it at first… A lot of guys that sign these big deals, the hunger ain’t there no more.”

[Source: SHOWTIME Basketball](

> “[Kevin Garnett] said ‘If you ever want to see how real a motherf*cker is, give him a boatload of money’… I didn’t get it at first… A lot of guys that sign these big deals, the hunger ain’t there no more.”

by lopea182


  1. Righteous_Neutrality

    A lot of guys are hungry for the big deal, Paul.

  2. 830res_at_dorsia

    Johnny “the Football” Manziel: Did not have hunger before AND after the NFL deal.

    The Champion of Consistency!

  3. fieryscribe

    I’m ~~happy~~ hungry to help test out KG’s hypothesis for science.

  4. kasaan110

    Umm of course it ain’t. Most of these athlete come from having absolutely nothing and struggle. So once they worked hard to get life changing money for them and their family. At that point no more hunger. I’m set for life.

  5. jaywalker_69

    People hate on Paul but him and KG together is legit enjoyable

    And they do have an interesting perspective on the game for someone like me whose nba media diet isn’t really player/former player driven

  6. FFFreak999

    Andrew Bynum….
    Ben Simmons….
    James Harden…

    Pretty much anybody who plays for the Sixers

  7. jaywalker_69

    Reminds me of Robert Caro’s quote from *The Power Broker:* “Power doesn’t always corrupt. Power can cleanse. What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals.”

  8. ProblematicAndCrazy

    Kevin Garnett is probably the only Celtic that I actually like (we don’t count Rick Fox)

    If AD had KG’s motor and intensity, he’d be a two time MVP at minimum at this point. Dude was just relentless

  9. M00semeat60

    I’m honestly impressed anyone can maintain motivation after signing a deal that gives you lifetime money. That’s honestly the greatest skill athletes have. I’d be Ben Simmons so fast

  10. seijeezy

    It is what it is and I fully admit I would do the same thing if it was me. I don’t think most young kids have hoop dreams of winning rings. They have dreams of buying their mom a house and riding around in a Ferrari. Once they achieve it, winning accolades and championships is just a bonus. I don’t see that as not being “real”. By making it in the league at all they’ve already achieved something 99.999% of people will never do.

  11. JoeTheHoe

    Hopefully ayton dominating in FIBA can carry over to the nba. Maybe laziness from the bag is going to be offset by months of public shaming on the internet?

  12. ConstantTelevision93

    I really hope KAT doesn’t fall into this category

  13. monkeybiziu

    Yup. Some guys are naturally talented and can make a fuckload of money, but do not give a single wet fart about winning a title. They’re just not that hungry.

    Some guys will work their ass off to win at any cost, including leaving money on the table.

    It’s who they are.

  14. HungriestGhost

    It’s what separates the common worker from the people who move up.

    It’s the same in average work culture lol. Can’t tell you how many of my boys who also work in a corporate industry do the absolute bare minimum while simultaneously complaining that they don’t get seen or that America is collapsing.

    Ownership over yourself will always be the greatest skill a person can achieve. Regardless of how big that check is

    And once you achieve that ownership, that’s when life opens up as a man in my experiance.

  15. ChampionshipStock870

    Derozan and Paul George had this same convo on their pod. Like if I sign a 4yr $120,000,000 my great grandkids are set for life. Waking up at 4am to workout would seem like an after thought because that bag is the goal for a lot of people

  16. Everydayarmday24

    Sign a fat fat contract and then try to win a ring at the end of my career just for fun.

  17. souttous

    KG speaking truth to power. Zion needs to see this.

  18. KuzzyPoole

    I have a feeling that happened with Beal. He still put up great stats , but he didn’t seem hungry anymore. Him and Wall were always trying to out do each other and be the main guy. Once he became the guy and got the max he seemed to coast.

  19. EkruGold

    So basically, see how Jaylen Brown is this year?

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