@National Basketball Association

[Charania] As part of NBA probe into his “liar” comment, James Harden told league investigators he was referring to Daryl Morey telling Harden he will trade him “quickly” following the $35.6 million opt in for 2023-24, per sources. The 76ers’ stance now is they expect to keep Harden.

[Charania] As part of NBA probe into his “liar” comment, James Harden told league investigators he was referring to Daryl Morey telling Harden he will trade him “quickly” following the $35.6 million opt in for 2023-24, per sources. The 76ers’ stance now is they expect to keep Harden.

by SpiritedSuccess5675


  1. SpiritedSuccess5675

    Shit is wild lmfao

    Harden is a diva I can’t lie

  2. shakehasbignuts

    I was told Morey was a scumbag who cost harden hundreds of millions

  3. lopea182

    Harden in 2-4 weeks, when he is still a Sixer:

    >”Wait, actually me and Daryl *did* have a conversation where he promised me a max on my next deal. Must have slipped my mind earlier.”

  4. MrAppleSpoink

    Lmao they know damn fucking well there was an under the table deal here but they’ll probably just take him at his word won’t they.

  5. Rapey_Keebler_Elves

    Something doesn’t track.

    Harden said he’ll never play for a Morey-run team again because Morey is a liar, but it sounds like Harden was already wanting out of Philly even before the trade “agreement” with Morey.

    My instinct tells me that Harden’s “liar” comment was in fact about a max contract, but he’s going with the “promised to trade me” angle to prevent a larger fallout with the league office.

  6. trevortins

    If that’s the case looks like Daryl did lie then case closed.

  7. Worst case scenario for Sixers haters.

    Even they can’t convince themselves that Morey actually promised to trade Harden regardless of what the package was

  8. kokukojuto33

    r/nba ‘s 9/11

    Y’all were hoping the Sixers were stripped of several first rounds lol

  9. LostPants7

    This dude gonna reword and rephrase his outburst and will sign a max extension with the 76ers and play the full season

  10. thegreaterfool714

    Keeping Up with the Kardashians has nothing on NBA drama.

  11. lyonbc1

    Lol so this is absolutely nothing, just as expected. Complete waste of time and energy 😂

  12. BabaBrody

    Has Morey lost his burst on making trades? Has he retooled himself as a slow, methodical GM talking the air out of the phone before chancing a last second stepback proposal?

  13. Science4me12

    Let’s get the fact right:

    No contenders have cap space to offer Harder a contract he desires.

    He opted in because he wanted to maximize his financial earning. If he opted out, the most clippers could offer him was MLE.

    He opted in because he wanted more than MLE, not because Morey promised that he would trade him to clippers quickly

  14. qotsabama

    Harden is never getting anything close to a max deal again. This dude could’ve gotten a super max like extension with the nets years ago but all time fumbled the bag. $35M this year and then he’s going to be a free agent when he’s 35. And he’s declined heavily from his peak.

  15. So then what is Hardens actual reason for wanting the trade?

  16. No-Storage2900

    You’ve gotta be cracked to take Hardens word straight up.

  17. throwawayjoeyboots


    r/nba has been RAGING for weeks that this was about the contract and Morey was the scum of the earth who promised poor ol’ Harden a 4 year max deal and pulled the rug out from under him.

  18. Icy-Lime-9760

    Well he’s not gonna tell league investigators that Morey promised him a max contract when that is against the rules.

  19. Everyone acting like Morey is an upstanding GM and harden is the scumbag lol.

  20. nowhathappenedwas

    Harden is trying to force Morey to trade him.

    He’s threatening to spill the beans about the promises Morey made him last offseason because the consequences for the the team and for Morey would be dire. He’s using that threat as leverage to force a trade.

    But he doesn’t want to go through with it because it would cause his current deal to be voided, and no one has any cap room to sign him.

  21. OkSession3933

    If the NBA did find out about the handshake agreement then Harden’s contract would be voided and he loses out on even more money. Of course Harden’s not gonna expose the handshake deal cause it would hurt him too

  22. BlackyChan20

    Here is indisputable evidence that this is not about a max contract, it also never made sense since he was angling for Houston since Christmas. But this sub will still put on their tin foil hat and put together any rumor or feeling they have and present it as fact that Morey reneged on a max. There was never a max on the table, glad it’s settled.

  23. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Harden would never rat on himself just to screw Morey. Plus I’m sure the most Morey allowed himself to commit to was that they’d “take care of Harden” if he took that pay cut for PJ and House

  24. Daryl is blinded by his love for Harden. He probably expected the Bucks to offer Giannis for him or something

  25. Ultratablesalt

    Lmao so funny looking back at those old threads

  26. Rebeldinho

    What do you know the guy that’s now trying to force his way off his third team in 5 seasons may be a bit of a malcontent.

    Essentially he’s mad that the teams he wants to go to aren’t able to produce an attractive trade package in return… dude seriously expects the Sixers to take a huge hit in value because now he wants to be on the Clippers.

    He opted in and Sixers tried to trade him but the right deal has not yet materialized… now he plans to just not show up to work and force an uncomfortable situation so the Sixers trade him for pennies.

    Man fuck James Harden

  27. bravof1ve

    Harden comes across as a fool in this.

    As does r/nba. This reads like no different than the Lillard situation, except since this subreddit hates the Sixers, the reaction is the complete opposite of the support Portland and Cronin received.

  28. KayRay1994

    I remember when Harden took the player option it was fully in the understanding that he would be traded (it was even reported as such) in other words, Harden would not have signed it if not for a trade. I don’t like Harden’s lack of ability to to commit to a team or the fact that he’s jumped so often soon as a little adversity comes in, but the player option was taken because they agreed on him being traded, so he’s in the right despite my dislike of him as a whole

  29. VeniceRapture

    Stupid. He should’ve just opted out and picked whatever team he wanted, but noo, he wanted free agency AND the fat contract

  30. RVAIsTheGreatest

    This all comes down to the fact Harden took a pay cut last summer rather than opting into a $47M player option with the idea he would then be made whole, in his eyes, this summer. That obviously was not the plan and was not going to take place, and that’s why Harden feels he was lied to.

    He took that pay cut out of good faith, at least the way he sees it, on his end, but with the idea he’d be compensated for doing so this summer. Part of the problem here is that Harden’s value as a player currently is not in line with how he views himself.

    I don’t consider either side to be in the wrong. Harden isn’t in the wrong to feel like he’s being played and Morey isn’t in the wrong for seeking to maintain flexibility for next summer, which is likely the last chance to put a real winner around Embiid. This is a business. Harden feels disrespected, but he’s putting his financial future and potentially even his free agency eligibility into question if he declines to play for the Sixers this season, so expect him to suit up.

  31. BradyReas

    Finally r/nba and r/Sixers can bash harden together, if only for a short while

  32. LennoxAve

    When has Morey ever done a quick deal. Harden should’ve known better.

  33. Why should that be a binding deal for the 6ers to trade Harden for peanuts? Like I get it if they said “we’ll trade you as quick as we can” but that doesn’t mean they’re obligated to bend themselves over a barrel for his sake

  34. SleeveBurg

    Harden is a bonafide loser. Players don’t think highly of him, at least as a professional basketball player, while his old coaches seemingly hate him. He’s a persistent malcontent who has never won anything, but acts like everyone should bend to his every whim.

    Always out of shape because he’d rather party. Doesn’t buy into any system beyond harden ball. Treats the fanbases he’s apart of like schmucks.

    Look forward to when this rule bending loser is out of the league.

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