@Chicago Bulls

[The Athletic] Bulls GM opens up on Lonzo, DeMar, Chicago’s ‘ceiling’ and much more

[The Athletic] Bulls GM opens up on Lonzo, DeMar, Chicago’s ‘ceiling’ and much more

by lightsvber


  1. dudeguy81

    Sadly nothing new here in the interview. Same old stuff. Can’t really fault him though, its the offseason and all these questions have been asked and answered before.


    * Marc is a private guy that’s why we don’t hear from him much.
    * The team leadership is happy with the roster they have.
    * Number one goal for offseason was getting Vooch back because the other options to replace him were terrible and would make the team worse.
    * Wants Deebo to stick around for a long time but also indicated we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it so I think he’s saying they’re going to explore all options related to his expiring contract.
    * Deebo provides as much value off the court as he does on the court for the young guys.
    * Loves what Coby has done and is pumped for him to keep developing.
    * Likes what Ayo has done, admitted there’s a lot of room to grow there. Ayo had trouble adjusting in year two when he suddenly showed up on the scouting report. Thinks he’s got what it takes to overcome it.
    * Very hopeful this is the year for Patrick Williams to make a big leap. Admitted it’s on Patrick at this point. He has all the tools and skills already, he just needs to get the mental aspect figured out.
    * Goal is to win more games this year than last year. Lol.

  2. lightsvber

    In general, ME doesn’t say anything particularly groundbreaking, but it is nice to read something from him beyond a short pull-quote from a press conference.

    Couple of highlights for me from the piece:

    – ME acknowledges that the team could have done better in Player Dev over the last few years and mentions that our new department head Peter Patton has made an immediate impact in the gym with the team.

    – High praise for Billy as a skilled and collaborative communicator. He doesn’t mention Billy’s weak points (ehem in-game adjustments and inconsistent rotations ehem) though.

    – Loves Deebo’s leadership and hopes he sticks around long-term, but doesn’t say they’ll make a strong effort to resign him in any clear terms.

    – Talks about Ayo and Coby’s development as high points. Coby has clearly made strides, but the thing that got Ayo was teams actually having tape on him last year. He has faith Ayo will adjust and come through big this year.

    – Probably the biggest takeaway for me: ME’s comments about PWill indicate that the latter still has issues with confidence and assertiveness. He thinks PWill is making strides, but he won’t be truly excited about him until he turns that corner.

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