@National Basketball Association

Evan Turner saying the quiet part out loud

Evan Turner saying the quiet part out loud

by shiftyt05


  1. shakehasbignuts

    I always knew it was rigged against us thanks Evan

  2. Inevitable_Big_1966

    Facts NBA been rigging games for the celticks since the plumber era.

  3. Batman_in_hiding

    People need to realize the difference between what he’s saying and the nba straight up rigging games. There is no way the nba is straight up rigging games but tv timeouts and refs slightly favoring one team early in a quarter is great way to nudge a game in a certain direction.

    No doubt in my mind the nba is nudging very specific games on a very rare basis. Like maybe a few playoff games a year if that

  4. Good_NewsEveryone

    Arenas and Iggy? What was the next topic? World domination from the lizard people?

  5. BeeboNFriends

    That year who was the better team between Celtics and Sixers?

  6. Ok-Requirement4497

    is this edited? evan turner sounds mad weird

  7. vrkhfkb

    David stern wondering why the league is losing money. This is why. People pay their hard earned money to come watch us play and the refs out here trying to take over the fucking game

  8. StanVanGhandi

    Is that Rashad McCants in the heat Jersey?

  9. xpillindaass

    iggy nodding his head like he hasn’t benefited

  10. tangential_quip

    The NBA is responsible for the sixers shooting 35% in that game?

  11. electricHats75

    That’s why the warriors were able to blow up. When they came on the scene they were popping everyone.

  12. shanmustafa

    i remember that series so well, game 2 kg set like a hundred screens but 10 seconds left now the fucking refs decided to call an illegal screen and end the game right there

    game 7 idk what the fuck these guys are talking about, it was like a 2-3 point game and that’s when rondo went rondo and just made end of shot clock jumper after jumper, scored like 9 in the last 3-4 mins of a super low scoring game

    also game 7 i’m pretty sure they fouled pierce out

  13. duplicatesnowflake

    Might be true but KG had the magic opal back in game 7 so there was no stopping them.

  14. Evan Turner probably needs his own podcast by now. Does he not have one?

  15. HorrorIndependent895

    It’s already been confirmed the NBA refs persuade outcomes (rig games) and play favorites, they never call a game the same way twice.

  16. swakenny

    The sixers shot 20 fts that game. The Celtics? 22, and they won by 10

  17. HenryTooter

    Man, I say this all the time and nobody wants to hear it. The NBA is an entertainment product. Every decision they make is about the money. Everything you think is about parity is about money. The salary cap rules are about making more money. The rules of the game itself are about the product, not the game. If they determined that playing in clown shoes would increase revenue 10%, you’d be standing in line to buy Nike Bozo Ones without a hint of irony.

  18. Qwer925

    Idk what’s more distracting Turner’s voice or iggy’s shirt lol

  19. NotARageComic

    Really not excited for every thread next season to say “gotta be up 15 to win by 1!!!!!!” but that is a really good line.

  20. trappy-potter

    The refs have so much control over the momentum of a game it’s crazy, foul calls alone can easily force a substitution or make players play less aggressive

  21. hatisbackwards

    If this was true we would have 10 Kobe vs Lebron finals. It’s not like the league wanted Denver vs Miami.

  22. chriszgx

    Lol yall coping hard in these comments, the NBA is rigged sometimes it is what it is. No need to sugarcoat it

  23. _FreeYourMind__

    This isn’t some secret of the business. You don’t think it’s known that like Tom Brady got calls at home?

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