
Serbia 🇷🇸 vs Italy 🇮🇹 | J9 Highlights | FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023

#FIBAWC #WinForAll

Watch the game highlights between Serbia and Italy in the Second Round of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023.

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  1. Ok fontecchio è stato spettacolare, ma non aver caricato le prodezze di Datome lo trovo assurdo 😂

  2. Slepci srpski.Ovo sam pisao jos prvi put kad smo izgubili protiv italijana,i evo opet cetvrti put gubimo na isti nacin.Aj sad fino marsnite pesica sa mesta trenera,covek je mator i ne moze vise,a posebno da me za kurac povuku ovi "optimisti" sa stavom vazno je da se ucestvuje.Vode 16 razlike i onda 9 min ne daju jedan poen.Mrs bre u picku materinu vise i taj mentalitet,tako je i sa mladim selekcijama.

  3. Why with 14 seconds on the clock would you walk down the court as slow as possible and then pass it to the player furthest away from the basket to take the shot !?!?!

  4. Богдановић и даље спава, сања, спава сања.
    Исто као и прошли пут ситуација…
    Тренер се емотивно везује за играче, Богдановић промашио 20 пута тројку сигурно за редом, себичан, шутира са пола терена када губимо, а овај тренер га и даље држи у игри.
    Не знам, можда су им наши поклонили победу да не би Италијани испали… ко зна…

    Bogdanović is still sleeping, dreaming, sleeping dreaming.

    Same as last time situation…

    The coach gets emotionally attached to the players, Bogdanović missed a three-pointer 20 times in a row, selfish, shoots from half the court when we lose, and this coach still keeps him in the game.

    I don't know, maybe ours gave them a victory so that the Italians wouldn't be eliminated… who knows…

  5. Serbia just doesn't know how to play against Italy. Well deserved Italy, but this was just one unlucky game for Serbia. Hope to see us at the top of the table!

  6. Srbija je izgubila danas od Italije, ali to je njihovo pravo. Isto tako mogu izgubit i u nedilju.

  7. They newer beat,and they will not beat Italy,in next period of time,.Italy knock them any time they want,.

  8. One lesson here is that we do not send our best player to the tournament. We should not under estimate our teams. Pride do not win for us. Remember the saying "the ball is round."

  9. Congrats Italy and Lithuania for defeating greece and serbia!

  10. Congratulations to Italy from Serbia! This year, we are convincingly one of the worst teams.

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