@Toronto Raptors

NBA 2K24 Raptors All-Time Team. Did they get it right?

Hope one day O.G. and Scottie can take their place among the Raptor greats.


by hyplusone


  1. SpicyP43905

    Not bad.

    Would maybe bump up Kawhi by like 1, take Vince’s rating down by a bit, and would improve Pascal’s rating, peak DeMar is not better than peak Pascal imo.

  2. matteeeeeb

    Give me JV over Davis but it’s solid otherwise.

  3. ps43kl7

    Is Bargs rated a bit too high? Do you feel JV would even be better than him?

  4. gochugang78

    JV, Serge, Marc, OG, heck even Norm or Jose over Bargnani

  5. IntriguedMck

    Pretty much unchanged from last year. I remember when Leonard first made the All time roster they had him a point higher than VC but I’m glad they evened it out for their different circumstances.

  6. TheXyientist

    Val or Gasol over Bargnani. Calderon over Christie.

  7. grapedinosour

    Not bad but no Jose, so I say nay.

  8. Equivalent_Fox_1546

    Is remove Bargnani and replace him with Marc Gasol. But aside from that for an organization that’s still under 30 years old we have a pretty impressive alumni. It’s better than a lot of franchises that are much older.

  9. prodigus01

    Demar and KL had a “90” season at least once as a Raptor.

  10. General_Appeal_6603

    Push everyone one spot down and put Rafael ‘Brazilian Jordan’ Araujo on top.

  11. RichardIraVos

    If freddy gets a 35 dunk lowry should get a 40. Dunked a few times in game during his younger years and had a putback in the all star game

    also freddy needs a higher overall than Bargnani and Pascal should be more than just 1 overall higher than a young tmac

  12. FallenLemur

    Davis, Bargnani and Christie need to be removed.

    Marc, JV, and Jose need to be added

  13. Ddalggy

    Bargnani has a score of 90 for 3 pts…..

  14. garynevilleisared

    Unironically, Jose Calderon not on this list is a travesty. When TJ Ford had that near career ending injury, not only did Jose step up, he was a major reason we won our first division title that season.

    Funny story, he shot like 91% in that 2007 season, but because he didn’t shoot enough FTs to qualify, he wasn’t formally recognized as league leader. So the next season, as the starter, he got to the line way more, and also shot an absurd 98% from the line.

    As someone who coaches shooting to young players it pains me to not see him considered among the all time great shooters. If he entered the league today teams would be climbing over each other to get him. Teams are much more willing to allow a pylon stay on the floor so long as they can make shots at a high clip.

  15. Shogun_Ro

    Kyle should be a higher overall than Demar but I agree with the first 7 for sure.

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