@Philadelphia 76ers

Analysis of the downfall

Analysis of the downfall

by Bacondude12


  1. AlbrechtSchoenheiser

    So are we going to pretend that Eric Lewis didn’t call 13 fouls against the Sixers in a game 6 playoff home game and only four against the Celtics while also communicating with his family on Burner accounts about helping out the celtics?

  2. Cloakington

    This video lists a lot of ‘mistakes’ that are just hindsight. Picking Kork over Siakem looks bad now but that’s not a mistake that’s just a pick not panning out as well as the ones after. If every team rated Siakem as well as they should have then he wouldn’t have even been an option at the 24th pick that we ‘mistakenly’ didn’t pick him with

  3. The signs were there with Simmons coming out of college. He has never had any interest in improving his offense or being more aggressive.

    I’m willing to cut Embiid some slack, he has been one of the only bright spots on this dumpster fire of a team in the Process era.

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