@Los Angeles Clippers

The Clippers apparently had an issue with Taylor Swift having a banner in the arena, per @ArashMarkazi

Good, f*ck that banner and those dam jokes 😂😂😂

by trancatt


  1. Can’t wait to get our own stadium and never have to see random dipshit Laker fans (not all but you know who you are) at our home games when we aren’t facing them.

  2. lugubrea

    That article is being clipped in such a biased way. The parts that relate to the Lakers and Kings are being conveniently left out.

    This is what the article actually says

    >**The pushback to the banner from fans of the Lakers, Clippers and Kings was almost immediate. People thought the banner, which was nearly the size of three Lakers championship banners, was far too big.** Clippers fans quickly grew tired of jokes that Swift had more championship banners (1) than the Clippers (0). The Clippers initially covered up the banner along with the entire west rafters with giant portraits of their players. **Before the start of the 2019-2020 season, the Kings followed suit.**

    >**One year later, the Lakers won their 17th championship, and there was no more room in the rafters. You can guess what happened next.**

  3. orrrderinchaos

    She’s so mediocre …. I don’t get the hype …

  4. Digitalzombie90

    Lakers have an issue with Clippers having conference finalist banners at Staples, which has similar value or less than a Taylor Swift banner.

  5. Haveyoureaditb4

    Such a cap article. 100% a lakers fan who wrote this

  6. unc2ous

    engagement bait for two of the largest and most obnoxious fanbases online, move on

  7. jgroove_LA

    This is insanely old news. He’s just looking for traffic for his new outlet.

  8. McJumbos

    must be a really really slow news day if they are talking about this

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