@National Basketball Association

Let’s take a moment to remember Fergie singing the National Anthem at the All-Star Game in 2018

Let’s take a moment to remember Fergie singing the National Anthem at the All-Star Game in 2018

by Notsozander


  1. glansberg_stephen

    This made me hate music for a few years

  2. Crazyhawk28

    I now yell “LET’S PLAY SOME BASKETBALL” after every national anthem, regardless of the sporting event I’m at.

  3. loudanduneducated

    It was one of the hardest I ever laughed when I was watching this live, and the camera panned to the players showing them all trying to hold in laughter.

    Easily one of the most unintentionally hilarious moments of TV history.

  4. UrbanJatt

    Lol I love how everyone was trying so hard not to lose it

  5. Tigercat92

    Now this is the kind of content we need in the offseason

  6. fuckitiroastedyou

    How can they not get anyone more relevant?

  7. SquimJim

    As my first act as President of the United States, I will abolish the use of the national anthem at any sporting event.

  8. inshamblesx

    the moment that made all star games unsalvageable

  9. orphicwitch

    i will never forget this. i was watching alone and i thought i was going insane because i didn’t know if i was hearing her wrong or if she really was performing the most unhinged rendition of the star spangled banner known to man

  10. RedRocket13

    Draymond’s face gets me every time

  11. jeffcrafff

    I have a feeling she was inspired by ‘less traditional’ performances of the anthem [(e.g. Marvin Gaye)](, but this really missed the mark.

    I almost, almost felt bad for her with how badly she was skewered for this.

  12. Altruistic-Twist-379

    This mf dray cant hold it down

  13. livelaughloaft


    “momma and daddy got her a play microphone and are scared to take it away from her because she’ll throw a tantrum”

    energy going on

  14. CabbageStockExchange

    That shot of Draymond never fails to crack me up

  15. LostThePassword34

    You could almost convince me this was scripted. It’s so bad but in an almost perfect way. Her completely unearned confidence when really forcing those notes, the camera man cutting to the players, it’s a work of cinema.

  16. Sharcbait

    Chuck saying he needed a cigarette after that always kills me.

  17. AutographedSnorkel

    When peeing your pants is only the second most embarrassing moment of your professional career

  18. With the ASG being back in LA, this was a nod to Marvin Gaye who did my favorite rendition of the song of all time and made it his own. They tried something similar with Fergie, but the problem is that she isn’t Marvin Gaye

  19. KevinDLasagna

    I applaud her for trying something new with the anthem… but whew, what a miss. This was genuinely so hilarious when I was watching it live. Also props cause I’m pretty sure she was quick to own how awful this was and recognize her mistake, that kind of humility from a celebrity is almost non existent today.

  20. kuliebop

    Fergie is no Carl Lewis, that is for sure.

  21. ChoiceStar1

    Happy BIRTH-day Mrrr. PresIdent, haappy birthhhhhday to youuuuuu

  22. BoogeOooMove

    Nobody :

    Fergie : I think the anthem needs to be sung like a burlesque show

  23. filladelp

    Best was Chuck’s take at halftime: “I need a cigarette after that.”

  24. 48johnX

    This really created like 5 legendary laughing reaction gifs

  25. Let’s not, and say we did.

    Lol I can’t watch this cringe again

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