@National Basketball Association

D-Waade comment about the 14 year old FB post

His comment:

*”I can’t confirm nor deny but it’s giving me… This is probably real 👋🏾”*

Damn, my guy was only 14 years too late to answer his message.

Link to the post:

by matzan


  1. AnomolousAberration

    Can I ask why you made another thread for this instead of just replying as a comment to that thread cause this is fucking hilarious

  2. 2coolcaterpillar

    Dude got great ROI on the forgotten comment. Had he known in the first place, his friends and family would know the clout and that’s really it. Now millions of people know

  3. JustAGuyNamedRyan3

    Lol, this dude almost had primetime Big Three friends but he couldn’t be bothered to check the mail.


  4. IanicRR

    Yeah I’m still convinced that it was a mass message sent out to all of his fans who were liking him on FB. So in that sense, Wade is right that he “sent it.”

    It was that era of Facebook where I was getting many “messages” from all the athletes and bands I was liking on there. Chris Bosh I remember was big on sending them.

  5. nibbinoo8

    sounds like that was a copy and paste reply that d-wade would send to people

  6. jakekerr

    Omigod. I kind of know a dude that almost knew Dwyane Wade!

  7. iztheresomebody

    Espn really steals alot of shit in this sub. Didnt even mention OP in the post.

  8. PhysZhongli

    Bro could’ve been in Miami’s big 4

  9. iCOULDbewr0ng

    Oh yeah???

    Years ago the rapper Huey known for the song “Pop, Lock & Drop It” left a comment on my MySpace page promoting his song.

  10. VoidMageZero

    It’s cool he saw it within a day though 😎

  11. yooston

    Am I old or wtf does “it’s giving me…” mean ?giving you what??

  12. FullHouse222

    In an alternate universe, instead of getting karma he instead partied at the Miami Finals parade with D Wade

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