@Miami Heat

Lol this was actually good. Boston fans are terrified of Dame coming to Miami

Lol this was actually good. Boston fans are terrified of Dame coming to Miami

by Random_Thinker007


  1. iliveonramen

    Fentress pushed back big time on Dame not being loyal, Scoot coming in and playing like MJ or some other generational talent, and that the Heat offer was garbage.

    The national media…including a lot of Boston/NY guys have dominated the national space on this conversation.

    I know Ethan at Five Reasons gets criticized by this sub a lot but I think he’s spot on when he reports Heat confusion at national narratives regarding this Dame discussion. Herro is not some scrub, while at one point the national media was acting like the Heat would have to give up a pick to move Herro!!!!

    The Heat package which hasn’t really materialized due to zero discussion is very fair. The idea that 33 year old Dame with 200 million owed over the next 4 years is not going to get some massive haul.

    Its just crazy how guys like Mannix sound like Portland reporters while the actual Portland reporter of 20+ years actually has a much more sober perspective.

    The NBA media is wild

    A Heat package

  2. lolvalue

    blazers fans hate fentress, he is their five reason sports.

  3. CalmResearch3132

    I doubt it. Two Alph Dogs on the same team is not gonna work.

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