@Chicago Bulls

[Neubeck] The Chicago Bulls have expressed interest in joining the pursuit for Damian Lillard: “It looks like the Bulls might be trying to move Zach LaVine as part of a multi-team deal just to see if they can get into the Lillard sweepstakes.”

[Neubeck] The Chicago Bulls have expressed interest in joining the pursuit for Damian Lillard: “It looks like the Bulls might be trying to move Zach LaVine as part of a multi-team deal just to see if they can get into the Lillard sweepstakes.”

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. RapsFanMike

    At this point there’s been so much smoke with zach rumours the past year they obviously have been deeply discussing with other teams about trading him. Still highly doubt it gets done tho

  2. Any_Length_285

    Dame wants to win a championship, not finish under .500.

  3. andreasmiles23

    If somehow Demar was the player included I’d be in tbh

    But that’s unlikely so…nah

  4. btmalon

    Lol Dame ain’t signing off on a team without a PG.

  5. RocketMoonShot

    LOL, how is taking Zach off the roster going to make Dame want to come?

  6. Change is needed. Can’t just keep the same 10 seed irrelevant team again for no reason

  7. No_Indication_8951

    If they can do it for Demar, Lonzo, Coby and picks, I’d be down

  8. ddietz97

    Younger and More Athletic 2: Electric Boogaloo

  9. ShallowBottom

    Can we fucking stop with the interest in aging superstars man. Just gonna make the future even tougher.

  10. RobinChilliams

    Y’all bitch no matter what. There is no one this team could go after without you all complaining. Chicago sports fans are such whiners. If we’re not winning anything anyway, why care? Why get upset? At least we get to see Dame in a Bulls jersey for a while.

    And let’s be real, y’all. Lavine ain’t shit. I’ve been ready to move him for just about anything for over a year now. Not worth what we pay him when he’s making independent decisions on the court that lose us games in overtime. Iso ball is for players that singlehandedly win championships, not mid-tier guys who miss lots of clutch shots.

  11. ARowzFocuz

    Trading Zach and some future asset and getting Dame makes this team better in the short-term – sorry if that’s not a popular opinion.

    Lillard / Carter / Jones

    Caruso / White / Terry / Bitim

    DeRozan / Dosunmu / Taylor

    Williams / Craig / Phillips / Lewis

    Vucevic / Drummond / Sanogo

  12. TheJunkyardDog

    yes. thats the move!.

    keep the ball stopper non shooter paint clogger 34 year old with multiple chances to do something and year after year after year shrinking in the playoffs and give away the athletic shooting MODERN 27 year old bball player.

  13. spicyfartz4yaman

    If we can get some assets back I’m all for it and a youngish player I’m all for it. Wouldn’t mind being the team that lands herro

  14. lowfisociety

    Whyyyy would this borderline .500 team trade any sort of talent for an aging $60 + million/year PG!? Make it make sense!

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