@Minnesota Timberwolves

What is Glen Taylor saying to Slo Mo here? Wrong answers only

What is Glen Taylor saying to Slo Mo here? Wrong answers only

by ChessyLogic


  1. Gbaby245

    Look me in the eyes, shake my hand, max deal is yours.

  2. HolyLiaison


  3. flimsydribbles_74415

    Slomo went to the source. Asking, which came first, the chicken or egg.

  4. foye2smith

    C’mon let me say it. I’ll let you call me a cracker.

  5. ChessyLogic

    Why does Glen have his hands planted on Kyle knees like that lmao

  6. teamdank710

    What are you doing in street clothes? Get out there!

  7. TheBigDelicious_

    Wanna come over for dinner? My wife makes a tasty lasagna

  8. maz_menty

    Can you believe Bill Cosby in Leonard Part Six‽

  9. Impressive-City2857

    He’s bowing to the forehead god

  10. Jalin17

    Do you have time for a blood transfusion?

  11. landof10000cakes

    Kyle, have you ever watched the movie Juwanna Mann?

  12. larrylegend33goat

    Pass me the glue, i’m going in 🐓

  13. Minute-Decent

    “Hey you ready for lasagna night”

  14. PlayInChampions

    Kyle walked past by me, like 1 feet away, I expressed my excitement to a guy next to me but he was not impressed.

  15. Professional-Set-126

    “ Hey pretty boy wanna rub my feet”

  16. Agitated_Mechanic984

    So about that jersey number….

  17. Skol_Vikes_2021

    Better start learning Chinese buddy

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