@Portland Trail Blazers

Imagine the Miami Heat Twitter & Reddit posts if Damian Lillard ended up a Toronto Raptor. Those that partake in the Kool-Aid that is Heat Culture would lose their collective minds.

Imagine the Miami Heat Twitter & Reddit posts if Damian Lillard ended up a Toronto Raptor. Those that partake in the Kool-Aid that is Heat Culture would lose their collective minds.

by MomsBasementGaming


  1. GaviFromThePod

    If Portland makes this trade they also might legit have a better record than Miami this year.

  2. JamesTerevau

    I finally broke and wanted to go scan that Sub and the first post I saw was somebody asking for a yearbook quote. Puts it into perspective a bit more

  3. Miami fans would pivot to “Dame is trash, washed up, past his prime” so fast your head would spin.

  4. iceblade123

    I’m curious.

    Do you care that Dame doesn’t want to go to Toronto and this ends any chance of him associating with the Blazers ever again?

  5. Longjumping-Sort3741

    I mean, I’m a heat fan and I can tell you our fans are the worst.
    The discourse will be, Pat Riley fumbled the ball and should retire and then we will do it all again at the deadline with Don.
    Anyway, if a Raptors package including Barnes or OG (being rerouted) is true then the blazers would be stupid not to take it.
    I’m hesitant though as Masai does this quite a lot and despite it being out there for 4 days now, we are no closer to a deal.
    I’d assume this goes into the season and hangs over Portland, Miami, Toronto’s seasons and a random team or two will throw their hat in the ring along the way.

  6. “Poverty franchise doesn’t do right by their own player and trades him away for a better offer than Riley gave. This disrespect for heat culture will not stand. Riley said just a prank bro, this was just practice so we can fleece the Bucks next year.” -coping heat fans

  7. Big_Honey_56

    This whole thread is cringe lol. The Heat are going to be fine. How will they ever find another Strus or Vincent? Be great to get Dame but don’t be bitter because he wants Miami.

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