@National Basketball Association

[Pablo Torre Finds Out] Jordan Poole reportedly told Draymond Green “You’re an expensive backpack for 30” before being punched at Warriors training camp last season

[Pablo Torre Finds Out] Jordan Poole reportedly told Draymond Green “You’re an expensive backpack for 30” before being punched at Warriors training camp last season

by john_connerson


  1. PAWGle_the_lesser

    If this is true he deserved to be punched just for how outrageous of a statement that is lmao

    Jordan Poole will never be as good as Draymond Green was, he probably will never be as valuable as Dray was last season even

  2. lets_talk_basketball

    I’ll rather go w/ Camron and Ma$e’s story of Jordan Poole telling Draymond he had more MSU women than him even tho he went to UM, that Draymond’s nickname is “money green” but the Warriors weren’t trying to sign him to an extension, and that he was gonna be in Sacramento next season

  3. LoWE11053211

    So is there a reliable source

    Or just some lame video with lame title with even more lame thumbnail

  4. CalmResearch3132

    Poole said, “Draymond, your endorsements suck “

  5. m00s3m00s3m00s3

    Can someone not old explain that to me? Why is a backpack an insult?

  6. SportsLaughs

    If true it’s a pretty crafty insult. Seems too thought out for a moment like that though.

  7. Helicase21

    Honestly if any of the GSW big 3 is the backpack it’s Klay.

  8. Tigerblood1999

    Draymond is undoubtedly a dirty player but he has intangibles which don’t show up in the box score that contribute to winning in a major way.

  9. TheRed_Knight

    Poole calling out Dray for getting carried before the season then Steph had to carry his ass on offense and Draymond had to carry his ass on defense all season is too funny

  10. jumboponcho

    Cam and Mase got it right, I don’t trust most of these reporters when it comes to deciphering shit talk

  11. RVAIsTheGreatest

    That’s a lot more believable than the other purported comments that have circulated and that is definitely a pretty stinging insult.

    Poole trash talks and has developed a bit of a rep around the league. He has a very high measure of self-confidence and he’s a little vicious with the trash talk. How you respond to that is a reflection of one’s maturity. Draymond went the sucker route.

  12. slipperyeel

    That is fucking funny. If that were confirmed true then I’m getting a Poole jersey.

  13. supr3m3kill3r

    That mystery is solved. Now I want to know what KG said to Melo. It wasnt honey nut cherios so what was it?

  14. If this is true, that’s fucking hilarious. That’s some good trash talk LMAO.

  15. Sounds like Jordan Poole thought he was carrying the warriors lmfao. You cant say shit like this then get KO’d and walk around with your dad like some kind of witness protection recipient.

  16. Until proven otherwise this is gonna be what I believe Poole said cause its too fucking funny lmaooooooo

  17. mryessirskiii

    There Is very little that JP could’ve *actually* said that would justify Green’s reaction. Yet Idiots on here will still try and spin it like Poole was being a cocky asshole. Which even if true, still is *not* a justifiable reason to clock him as hard as he did.

  18. People make fun of what Draymond brings but it’s actually hard to find competent and dedicated players that are willing to do the dirty work and facilitate. Part of it is because the casual base thinks Draymond gets carried to wins, where in reality GSW would have to play differently if not for him.

  19. CubanLinxRae

    I’ve heard i think four different quotes of what Poole said and each is funnier than the next

  20. DynamixRo

    Some people said there’s no way he came up with that on the spot. Maybe he was workshopping stuff for a while and running it by Draymond during each practice, until he finally came up with the perfect line that made him snap.

  21. by_yes_i_mean_no

    Who knows if the anonymous source is telling the truth, but imo focusing on what was said at that exact moment might be a red herring when it was probably weeks if not more that led up to the moment. Definitely been some rumors swirling about that too.

  22. Dray was enraged because he thought he was an expensive camiseta for Steph.

  23. This shit is funny but I can’t wait for actual basketball to start.

  24. MrBuckBuck

    Then Draymond Green punched him out so hard, he got away from GSW.

    I’m up for Draymond Green’s backpacks though – “The Curry 30”, “Stepping up on Sabonis”

  25. ktdotnova

    Draymond really out there talking about getting in people’s head yet lets a young guy troll him into a sucker punch. Green loses all credibility.

  26. ThonThaddeo

    Oh so in this version of events, it was actually Poole who’s to blame. That’s very different from all the other excuses for the assault

  27. thewrongnotes

    If Draymond gets rattled this easily, I don’t want to think how he’d respond to a real insult.

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