@National Basketball Association

[Haynes] I was on the phone with Dame when he got word he was going to Milwaukee and he was just speechless. Really speechless. He was saying, “I gotta wrap my mind around this. I gotta wrap my mind around this.” That’s what he kept saying.

> Then he was talking about his kids. What are his kids going to do? Are they coming? That was what he was thinking. Slowly over time, he started to think about the basketball side of it. He was like, “yeah this will be the greatest team I’ve ever been a part of.” He was like, talking himself through it.

> He finally read a text from Giannis that said, “Let’s fucking get this championship.”

Starting at 10:20 of [\#thisleague UNCUT](

by iksnet


  1. Niceguydan8

    > Then he was talking about his kids. What are his kids going to do? Are they coming? That was what he was thinking.

    Ok I get that these are things parents have to think about but wouldn’t that come to his mind when he asked to play for a different basketball team that’s obviously in a different city?

  2. TheRealDevDev

    he requested a trade to miami 3 months ago. did he really not once stop to think about if his kids were going to come or not?

  3. Shaqovitch

    Why does every Multi-millionaire athlete think this is the first time children have had to switch schools due to their parents job.

  4. iCOULDbewr0ng

    Dame was already imagining living the Miami lifestyle before it happened 😂

    It’s okay Dame, I heard Milwaukee isn’t too bad.

  5. Lol of course Haynes was literally on the phone with him at the time.

    Is there any other journalist/player relationship this tight?

  6. I see a Haynes post, I downvote. Best part of this trade was that Haynes is gone as well.

  7. MyMindWasAFortress

    Can’t think of a worse thing than being traded to a contender

  8. He had schools and house picked out in Miami, now he is thinking about picking a house for his family someplace else not in Milwaukee

  9. Starlord_who

    Ain’t no way he said are my kids gonna come, as if they’re asking him to play in an active war zone like Ukraine

  10. MyThrow_Away889

    Damn, Dame must’ve been shook when he heard the news. I bet his kids were freaking out too. But hey, at least he’s on a sick team now. And Giannis is ready to go all in for that championship? Shit, let’s get it then!

  11. Low_Piccolo_8286

    > [Haynes] I was on the phone with Zion when he got word he was not going to Mr. B’s and he was just speechless. Really speechless. He was saying, “I gotta wrap my mind around this. I gotta wrap my mind around this.” That’s what he kept saying.

  12. NoWayNotThisAgain

    Dame might be a nice guy, but everything about this whole soap opera off season makes him come off like an emotional basket case. First he demands a trade, then he says he wants to “rescind his request”. Then drama from him and his people gets him frozen out of the process.

    And when the trade he’s been pushing for all summer goes through, his first reaction is “hold up. what about my kids”? Dude… did you not think about that beforehand? You didn’t just ask for this, you *DEMANDED* this. And you wanted to go to a team that’s literally as far away from Portland as you can get? Seriously. Wtf Dame.

  13. TheDogtor--

    So somebody that close to him is a fucking snitch hah…

  14. CptCroissant

    I don’t think Haynes understands what speechless means

  15. Shallot_Belt

    He could live in Racine and call it Chicago. Nbd braj

  16. 2screens1guy

    Relax, it’s Milwaukee.. At the worst, it’s a 90 minute drive down to Chicago.

  17. Yeah once all the dust settles no one with a brain will say Cronin did Dame dirty. He literally put him in the best possible position to win a ring with someone he respects and is a top 3 player.

  18. IMovedYourCheese

    Dame all summer – I demand to be traded.

    _Dame gets traded_

    Dame – Holy shit what is happening? What are my kids going to do?

  19. theiwc0303

    People are overthinking the “are his kids coming?” part. If you got transferred for your job to a place that you do not expect to stay for longer than a couple years, are you immediately going decide to move your wife, 5 year old and two 2 year olds with you? Especially when it’s a job where you’re already not home a lot, you expect your wife to uproot her life at home and the way you have set up your kids for a place you are most likely not planning on staying for more than two years? Obviously the implication is that if it was Miami then he would’ve most likely stayed there for non-basketball reasons once not playing, let’s not act like many people would choose to live in Milwaukee as a heavily multi-millionaire

  20. Jeez y’all are wondering if he’s taking shots at Milwaukee and not one person in this thread has considered that school just started lmao

  21. “He got me,” Lillard said of the Milwaukee trade. “That f**king Pat boomed me.” Lillard added, “I gotta wrap my mind around this” repeating it four four.

  22. UnlimitedManny

    Its like when you asked for a gameboy and got a gamecube instead

  23. ThreeAndDeezNuts

    He better like breweries. All there is to do in Wisconsin is drink.

  24. itsjustanotheralt83

    I am nominating myself to be the president of the “I Hate Chris Haynes” association. This dude is such a turd, wrapped up in telling fairytale stories. Dude should just be a fanfic writer

  25. Simple-Account-2490

    Buddy you make it sound like you’re going to war. Enjoy the winter bud

  26. BaullahBaullah87

    Wasnt be preparing for his kids moving when he demanded a trade to Miami?

  27. Bigking00

    Wtf. These guys are making 50 million a year to play basketball and they act like they are being shipped to Afghanistan to live. People are struggling to get by and these guys make more in a game than most people make in 15 years. Like seriously fuck off.

  28. Bro what? You spent all offseason demanding a trade lol

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