@Miami Heat

The Dame Deal Autopsy: The Haynes Report and the Blazers’ Shame

Well, now we know more about what happened. Reports from The Athletic and Bleacher Report (the latter from Dame Lillard confidant Chris Haynes) explain what really happened behind the scenes between Lillard, the Blazers and the Miami Heat. Ethan, Alex, Greg and Bryan Fonseca break down the revelations, none of which look good for Portland. Does it affect how we see the Heat’s role?

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  1. Hahaha makes me happy to see Heat fans mad. Dame fucked us with that Miami only bullshit. Why would you sully a relationship with that wack move. You're all too emotional to see this clearly

  2. And after all of that Dame still played ball as it were with Cronin and allowed him to trade him somewhere else. Dame is soft to just let Portland have their way after lying to him and then refusing to, in good faith, honor his request. I'm not upset we didn't get him and this even answered why he didn't leave before, I want players on my team with more guts, balls and desire to win.

  3. Crying about the maturity of the Portland GM because the Heat colluded with Dame to force his way to Miami at a discounted rate by tanking the trade market telling other teams that Dame wouldnt play for them, is pure cope lmao. Keep crying and next time dont tamper

  4. Personally, while I feel bad that we didn't get Dame, I'm glad Pat didn't give up the farm for an aging player. I look forward to the Herro/ Jovic Revenge Tour!

  5. We can't keep making excuses we didn't get it done AGAIN!!!! but it didn't help that leaks were reporting Miami is laughing at Portland creating leverage with fake teams and that we were daring them to find a better deal and there were reports saying miami would not up the offer we cannot give them all the blame yes they were supper petty but Pat Riley and our front office are super arrogant and we missed on alot of these situations which tells u opposing GMs don't want to deal with Rileys arrogance

  6. Blazer fan since 1988 and 15 year season ticket holder. You guys are spot on! Cronin bungled this situation. Many casual fans in Portland think Cronin hit a home run. I need to see who Blazers get for Jrue before giving a final grade. I believe Miami could of beat the Bucks package but Cronin let ego get involved. He is a joke of a GM and has messed up every trade he has made so far.

  7. It’s easy for Miami to say now, after the fact, that they were willing to offer the moon. Fact is, we don’t know what they offered, because during the offseason they understandably kept that close to the vest. But I refuse to accept uncritically the reported offer discussed in this video. Miami has a ton of motivation to inflate what they were willing to send Portland’s way.

  8. As a blazers fan I just want all of you to know the blazers organization that cared about loyalty and winning sied with Paul Allen, the new regime only cares about the bottom line

  9. Ever have a boss with a superiority complex? That's Cronin. "You will go where I say you will go" douche. I would be surprised that someone like that runs a professional sports franchise in any other league than the NBA where 1/2 the league's teams are consistently rebuilding doormats and use the excuse of 'small market'.

  10. I’m so tired of hearing that Portland owed it to Dame to send him wherever he wanted. Portland fulfilled their obligation to Dame: their checks cleared.
    And let’s be honest: by demanding a trade to one team and one team only, Dame really did Portland dirty. He robbed them of all leverage. Had he not said Miami only, he probably would have ended up there. That Dame got traded to somewhere besides Miami is the fault of Dame and his agent.

  11. Damian Lillard is not on the Heat because he and his team made it public that the Heat was the only team Dame wanted to be traded to. This handcuffed the Blazers' front office and led the Heat front office to believe they could get Dame on the cheap because Dame eliminated any competition. Stupid move by Lillard and his team and it had to be intentional.

  12. Perhaps Cronin "ignored" the Heat to intentionally spite Dame and his team, who had the stupidity and arrogance to go public with their demand to be traded to the Heat. Dame is the villain here, not Cronin. Yes, Heat fans are disappointed but put the blame on Dame, where it belongs.

  13. I think it might have been cool For you guys to have a blazers’ fan perspective on all this. Kind of interesting to read their read of all this in Blazers Edge which appears to be, generally speaking, “meh”

  14. No one should be surprised with the info coming out. Never once did i think the Heat “screwed up” during negotiations.

  15. Chris Hayes all information comes from the agent and Lillard, it's all one sided reporting. The agent overplayed and was arrogant that Miami being the only choice. Wonder if Dame keeps his agent, he should be thankful to Portland he is in a better situation now. It's all about the quality future draft picks for Portland being a small market team. As for Dame wanting to come back, it's business like your ex want to come back. As for Portland fans we Love that Dame get a chance to succeed in Milwalkie. It's about the quality of the draft picks in the end for Portland.

  16. “I know he was a free agent and not on contract for 4 more years….” That is the difference. He had FOUR MORE YEARS.

  17. Aww😢😢😢, poor baby heat didn't get your way. Grab some tissue already. Screw the destination cities. You got lucky with your bogus titles will lebron. Good for the blazers! Helping another small non-destination market, that's great. Make the nba great again, instead of the current version that lebron started: the national BITCH association. Good for the blazers.

  18. Anthony Davis only wanted to go to the Lakers, and Lakers knew that…Lakers still gave the Pelicans everything they wanted…Miami blew it

  19. Tittle window closed. Time to move onto to Bam/Herro/Jovic/JJJ timeline. Sell high on jimmy recoup asests for the next young star. (Ant, Luka, Fox)

  20. Y'all are just salty. This was a great trade and won't be compete until Jrue is flipped.

    Dame and his agent were wrong in trying to strong arm the Blazers.

  21. dame and his agent played the entire thing incompetently. actually hilarious how bad they misplayed their hand. heat fans playing victim "bad faith" now is equally as funny.

  22. I love Dame but I'm glad the NBA didn't just let a player create a no-trade clause out of thin air. If Dame wanted control over where he could be traded to, he should've negotiated that in his contract. It's one thing for these stars to be able to force a trade but if they can start saying that their team can only listen to one team's offer (DESPITE NOT HAVING HAVING A NO-TRADE CLAUSE) then this is just getting ridiculous. Might as well just let every star player pick what team they want to play for every season

  23. It would have been Herro, Martin, Jovic, Lowry, 2 picks, 2 swaps.
    Martin would have gone to Phoenix.
    Herro would have needed to go to a 4th team.

  24. Glad we didn't Dame, found out he is too soft, to be a Heat the GM punked him,and Portland tried to Punk Riley, and go for it, you see the trash that Milwaukee gave to Portland to get Dame and one Star

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