@Los Angeles Lakers

Just AD dropping 55 points on 73% FG against the new Celtics starting C:

Just AD dropping 55 points on 73% FG against the new Celtics starting C:

by LonzoBBBall


  1. WestVirginiaFan15

    That backcourt defense is absolute hell but their frontline is food

  2. Carolake1

    To be honest KP didn’t even seem like he was doing a bad job. AD was making contested shots.

  3. Anyone remember when he was in Dallas and AD called him a “little ass boy” after cooking him? straight food

    I know you can’t stop these guys, but it’s funny how Jokic won the chip and some of these teams have actively decided to weaken their frontcourt lmao

  4. whiskey_reddit

    I don’t give a shit what he prefers, this mfer needs to play center

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