@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron says a lot of his attention this summer was on treating his foot. “I pretty much tore the whole tendon in my right foot,” LeBron said. He said his foot has reacted well in offseason workouts.

LeBron says a lot of his attention this summer was on treating his foot. “I pretty much tore the whole tendon in my right foot,” LeBron said. He said his foot has reacted well in offseason workouts.

by Icy_Quit_7177


  1. johnsonbabypowder

    Idk about y’all but I’m still worried about that damn foot but Bron knows his body best and hoping he can manage it through the season…

  2. Knew he didn’t get surgery and this sub downvoted me. No body gets surgery on their foot and immediately starts balling two weeks later. Dude was posting in the gym for over half the off season. The foot is still a concern. He’s had lingering issues in both feet now for 3 years with no surgery. So we’ll see but it seems like all it takes is one twist for Lebron to be out for 6 weeks which is crazy compared to younger Bron. But I’ll let feelings get in the way and trust Bron. If he says he’s good. He’s good.

  3. If he had anything done surgery wise it was probably around the time he was cruising around Europe….but I believe back when it first got injured it was an injury that could possibly heal just as well with proper rest

  4. PinkDolphih

    Is it anatomically possible to have torn a whole tendon in your foot and then play on it like he did?

  5. cuhman1cuhman2

    Bron played through injuries and we were only a couple possesions from a competitve series.

    Now we got better, got a whole offseason, and Nuggets got worse.

    Lakers in 6🥱💯

  6. Honestly I feel good about our chances this season. Nuggets got slightly worse and we got better, and if Dlo plays decent I can see Lakers in 6. I’m more worried about Bucks/Celtics both of them look terrifying on paper

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