@Chicago Bulls

Any Hope?

Is there any hope for this season? I mean I feel like we are running it back and expect something different. Someone share some hope or best case scenario?

by MacPhizto


  1. Artistic-Tennis4090

    First round exit incoming. Dare I say we may even make it a 5 game series!

  2. If someone outside the ‘big 3’ steps up this team could be interesting. Do I think anyone realistically will? Nah, bring on that Bulls mid pack!

  3. BilboLaggin

    How is this season different than last year. We added bench players and our “Stars” got older. This team is a fucking joke

  4. dapper_duck45

    Lot’s of hope. I see us as a big time contender for the 8 seed.

  5. DukeParker5

    Hope for the playoffs? Maybe. Anything further nope.

  6. safetydance

    Nope. Curious what shoes these 3 are wearing though.

  7. Ok_Dentist_9133

    Reminder that this is an intended win now team

  8. ReplaceSelect

    They’ll be competitive most of the time. They have a lot of players that play hard. The roster is poorly constructed, but the Bulls aren’t going to be unwatchable or Bears level bad. This roster isn’t going to win a championship without divine intervention though. It’s a frustrating place to be.

  9. skeletor1996

    Be hopeful and enjoy yourself! It’s okay to see the logic that we may not be the best team in the world but also be excited to watch! I certainly am!

  10. justawaterisfine

    I’m hoping Deebo rubs off on these new kids like I know he will. Leading by example with confidence and class. Just glad the season is starting. I don’t care about being the best I just want them to be fun to watch. Go bulls

  11. collect_my_corpse

    Hoping for the 9th seed if all goes well 🤞🏾

  12. Terrible_Platypus_72

    Really depends on what you’re hoping for lol. There’s hope for this team to potentially be like the 6th seed if all goes well, but there isn’t any hope for this team to win a title.

  13. MethLabIntel

    The hope is that demar steps back and becomes more of a facilitator/shooter, zach gets his shit together, vuc becomes a jokic lite version, pwill blossoms into a real killer on the court.

    Here’s to hope!

  14. Terrible-Resident756

    Run it back. Run it back. Maybe if we practice hard. Execute. We will win. It’s like Flus coaches everyone in Chicago sports. All the teams are the same.

  15. They added Carter n Craig. Carter was on the top of FA I wanted them to add. 3nD type of guy. Another year for p will, coby, terry to learn and grow. Also they don’t have to worry about ball at all. It’s fine to have hope, u enjoy it a lot more. Every one wants to be the first and loudest doomer in here. So just sit back and enjoy the ride

    Edit: also lavines knee was still healing for the first half of last year, so we should get a full good year of lavine

  16. Stock-Preparation252

    I will watch every game on league pass and it will take 10 years off my life.

    Could be worse. At least I stopped watching the bears 5 years ago.

  17. Pat’s turning into a monster this season and Coby’s competing for 6moy, book it

    In all seriousness though, we’re not a contender but we’ll hopefully be enjoyable to watch. Every sport has teams in the middle and that’s where we’re at right now, at least we have likeable players

  18. askforwildbob

    Hope for what? To win a championship? No, but to at least play competitive basketball? Sure.

    The cubs had a brutal final stretch to end what was otherwise a pretty decent season, the Sox and bears are absolute train wrecks.

    The only hope I have for the bulls is that they aren’t going to be an 11 or 12 seed lol. The bar is so low for the city rn that a 42-40, 9-seed type of season would be a net positive

  19. Hope for a deep playoff run? Absolutely not. Hope for some further Pat/Coby development and Carter/Craig additions making us marginally better in a fun-ish ~45 win season? Sure, whatever that’s worth

  20. IlliniBull

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

    They changed almost nothing this off-season. Not even the coach, which half of us got yelled at nonstop for suggesting before they extended him, look if your this married to this core, at least consider changing the coach.

  21. Assuming no major trade, if you squint really hard they could get a 5 or 6 seed and face Cleveland. Maybe DeRozen’s daughter flusters their shooters … so yeah, maybe they win a playoff series.

  22. Adventurous_Salary98

    Pretty sure we’ll be the best basketball team in Chicago.

  23. Nok_Nok_its_Knuckles

    After the Sox and Bears disasters, just be mediocre, please, just don’t be a joke, the bar is so low right now

  24. robbberrrtttt

    lots of hope

    that we trade these bums and start our rebuild already

  25. mods_are_losers_lmao

    Get ready for another .500 bulls team that barely makes it to the play-in lol

  26. DrunkCoreyCrawford

    Zach LaVine is the type of player that is great as an individual but does not help team play at all. The only way he could win a championship is on a team like Golden State or a LeBron lead team because they would carry him.

  27. Much better than last year. At best a 1st round exit. Milwaukee and Boston got significantly better. Philly still has Embiid who owns us. Miami and Cleveland are also better imo. That leaves 6th best team in the east at best imo. Just can’t see us beating any of those teams in the playoffs when healthy.

  28. TacoCateofdoom

    Depends on what you’re hoping for. Is there hope for a championship? No. Is there hope we can get to the playoffs and be a fun competitor? Also no.

  29. KillCreatures

    The Reisendorfs arent trying to win so dont spend money on the team. Plain and simple.

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