@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors play San Quentin prisoners in basketball game. Klay, CP3, TJD, MDJ, and Podz spotted.

Golden State Warriors play San Quentin prisoners in basketball game. Klay, CP3, TJD, MDJ, and Podz spotted.

by diwiwi


  1. EquipmentNo9500

    Wtf? Are they trying to get our guys hurt!?!

  2. GavinGT

    AKA preseason game with the Charlotte Hornets.

  3. inarguablyknarf

    pre-preseason record 0-1. our road woes continue

  4. Jeepers1105

    That’s my team!!! Always giving back

  5. wavetoyou

    CP fully ingratiating himself in record time, surprised he was involved in this. Props

  6. youreafatfucc

    Q-Ball documentary for those who havent seen it

  7. onsmash2004

    Warriors looking for their big man at Quentin

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