@Boston Celtics

Lamar Stevens is a great addition to this team. Absolute dawg mentality and is aggressive with the ball.

I’ve been watching film on him and he is exactly what we need. He gets the ball and attacks the rim. He is a dawg on defense and always hustling. He talks as much as Grant did but more about the game and less about comics lol

Loving the defensive minded players like him and the rookie Walsh

Edit: found this great mic’d up video of him [](\`

by PizzaMan11554


  1. nicklovin508

    Ya I’m excited to see which player we’ve added emerges as a contributor. White is the 6th guy. Hauser likely is the 7th but could be pushed. PP the 8th. Kornet has to be in the mix for 10-12 mins a night on nights we need a big. Stevens, Brissett, Gabriel, Walsh..need one or two of these guys to be able to play 10-12 minutes a night.

  2. Don’t get your hopes up man. He hasn’t even made the final roster yet lol

  3. HeroOfSevenEleven

    The entire bench is full of Caleb Martin type dudes that could become legitimate assets with the right coaching and opportunity.

  4. I’m interested to see who cracks the rotation. I feel like Joe will keep it tight with just Horford Pritchard and Hauser getting consistent bench minutes but I hope someone else breaks through.

  5. chivestheconqueror

    Opposing guards and wings are never gonna get a break against this defense. When Jrue, White and the Jays go to the bench in a blowout, we’re gonna trot out Stevens and Walsh to straight up hound the ball

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