@Boston Celtics



  1. Both trades were great but the question is did either of the teams fix the major hang up they each have Milwaukee needs a dominant scorer they got him but they get beat by teams that florish from the perimeter and they have weakend what they had to defend that perimeter. Now Boston they needed Tatum to step up to the Top 5 Talent he should be getting Jrue spells the other issue . Its having a stablizing point guard less turnovers

  2. The front court depth is a valid concern, but if you think the Bucks, fully healthy, is better than Boston, fully healthy, you're out of your mind.

  3. Great trade for Boston. Williams..was far to injury prone. Played well. Boston is far better with holiday..we get a holiday..that must be
    Pissed off. With his former team..just trading him like they did.dont care if it was
    For Lillard.. you talk about a 37 year old horgord..what about old man Lopez?? He's 36???. N can't shoot like horford. Celts picked up some nice pieces for their bench. Got a couple of new asst coaches to help mazzula. Prizingus..great shooter. Can block n occasional shot.rim protector. N he's with a winning team this time around.

  4. This man doesn’t know basketball. The Celtics can use different rotations. The Celtics also know how to keep their players healthy with their medical staff. The Celtics will come in second place in the east while the bucks come first but it doesn’t mean the bucks are a better team at all. Lillard is a liability in defense. He’s fire in offense no doubt. The Celtics got Tatum, Brown, kp, holliday, just those four guys are gonna give u close to 90-100 points. Let’s not forget Horford who will score with white who will be scoring close to 14 a game and could give u 25-30 in a game not every night but he will come clutch. Sam Haiser will be clutch this year mark my words. He will be 3 point sniper, Brissett will give the Celtics 7-12 points on different nights maybe even 15 on a good night. Lamar stevens will produce and give u 7-9 when he plays and a few good games possibly 12-14. Let’s not forget kornet who will be better this year since he will be more comfortable I think he can give us 6-9 points with 6-7 rebounds. Let’s not forget Payton who I think will get us 10-12 points a game a night he might have some bad nights but I think this man will be scoring this year. Tatum will score 28 ppg, brown 26.5 ppg, kp, 19 ppg, holliday 16.7 ppg, white 14.4 ppg horford 10.5 ppg, Payton 9.3 ppg, Hauser 8.3 ppg, brisett 7.6 ppg Lamar 6.8 ppg kornet 6.2 ppg with 6.9 rebounds. Lillard 29 ppg, Gianni’s 28 ppg Middleton 17.9 ppg Lopez 12.3 ppg but still the block master portis 13 ppg and they don’t have a bench. Celtics will beat the bucks

  5. Why i always thought that bucks would be better with middleton rather than Jrue in the trade packge for dame?..i mean you upgrade your offence without jeopardize defence..wew

  6. As a blazers fan I just wonder what we’re gunna do with ayton and time lord like who’s gunna play the 4 or will one come of the bench or will we flip one which I doubt but idk I just can’t wait to see

  7. Celtics have the best starting 5 in the league . Porzingis is the 4th option 💀. Picks are worthless in the nba . This I not the NFL . . And one your point for the centers . Most teams don’t even have 1 solid center😂

  8. You dont know ball if u dont think Boston is an absolute nightmare matchup for Milwaukee

  9. I think since Jrue is exactly what the Cs needed, and they were definitely bidding against other teams, so a warriors heavily protected pick for this year, and one so far down the line? It hurts seeing the others leave, and the depth might hurt in regular season, but once you shorten that rotation come playoffs? favorites for sure

  10. I’m sorry but I don’t see how this makes Boston more “risky”. Like it was a risk to trust Williams to be on the floor consistently anyways

  11. as a celtics fan this trade gave me hope that we might pull through but aight we have to see. dame to the bucks made me lose my hope of a chip tho 💔

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