@Houston Rockets

If you don’t like Dillion Brooks your mother raised a loser.

If you don’t like Dillion Brooks your mother raised a loser.

by youcantblockmeputo


  1. WitchiePoo

    Will he still be assulting other players private parts?

  2. juan_cena99

    He wasn’t vibing when he was wiping snot from his nose after Lebron pwned his ass.

    I don’t like the way posters here went from clowning on Brooks to sucking him off just cuz he changed jerseys. I mean like the positive attitude he is bringing now but I also don’t pretend I wanted him on the team all along. Just look back when Brooks were first signed how many people defended Stone for the signing? Almost everyone put Stone on blast and said he paid 20M to a guy bound for China. Now it’s all Brooks is the goat cmon man gimme a break.

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