@Oklahoma City Thunder

Reggie Miller places thunder in tier-1 of western conference teams

Reggie Miller places thunder in tier-1 of western conference teams

by declanf24


  1. declanf24

    i’m excited for the season and i think we’ll do well but this is personally a stretch for me because he’s projecting what the thunder will be, not what they currently are. projecting jdub will take a leap, along with chet and co. and i think they will improve and make this team better but idk if it’s enough to put them over proven teams like the grizzlies, warriors and lakers (who made the wcf).

  2. Pale-Letterhead-9503

    We went from black eye of the league to nationally overhyped almost overnight lol

  3. I’m torn because I agree, but also Reggie Miller is kind of an idiot as an analyst.

  4. JeremiahPhantom

    Not a huge fan of placing such high expectations on my boys.. but let’s ride

  5. AngryTurtleGaming

    I think we are play-in/8th seed material. If everyone stays healthy the majority of the season I think we improve a lot compared to last year.

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