@National Basketball Association

Draymond Green reportedly refused to go to dinner with Jordan Poole, per Logan Murdock “According to Warriors officials, head coach Steve Kerr made several attempts to convince Green to take Poole to dinner, to smooth over their relationship, but Green declined.

Draymond Green reportedly refused to go to dinner with Jordan Poole, per Logan Murdock “According to Warriors officials, head coach Steve Kerr made several attempts to convince Green to take Poole to dinner, to smooth over their relationship, but Green declined.

by Mechaultima


  1. JoeBidensBurner

    It’s been a year what are we doing y’all

  2. irrelephantpark

    god why are we still talking about this shit

  3. LoveIslandFansRawk

    Draymond is up there for ALL-TIME MOST FRAGILE EGOS in the NBA

  4. chronicdreamze

    Draymond is so obnoxious and lame. Nobody likes him outside of a few delusional diehards.

  5. Simple_Wait_7286

    Draymond Green is the Richard Sherman of basketball but way worse both as a player and (based on these type of reports) teammate lol.

  6. thepeachgod

    I sure hope we get another apology documentary on opening night


    Draymond doesn’t get enough hate for running Poole and KEVIN FREAKING DURANT out of town

    Edit: From GSW fans like myself. I’m aware everyone else hates him.

    I also agree that we don’t win anything without Draymond

  8. I dont like draymond at all, but im not going out to dinner with some guy i hate. Id be more mature about working with someone i hate, but im not going to dinner

  9. cock-a-dooodle-do

    One of the most insecure NBA players despite being an all-time defensive juggernaut. He let a young players contract get into his head and punched him.

  10. JoeyPeePee24

    The self proclaimed best leader in the league viciously cold clocks a teammate 50+ lbs lighter than him, gets mad the video got released, could’ve squashed the whole thing, but was too busy making his Me, Me, Me podcast. Has anyone in the history of the league gotten luckier than Green – a somehow HoF lock? Should be ejected every other game for berating refs over legitimate fouls, but I guess that’s in these days.

  11. imminentjogger5

    Draymond has to learn to swallow his pride sometimes

  12. Shouldn’t the person who filmed the punch have paid for dinner? I got the impression that was the more severe infraction as far as the Warriors were concerned.

  13. If I was Poole, I would have declined. Once I got punched and saw the support for Draymond, I would have mentally checked out all year too.

  14. Jagermeister4

    Green called Durant a bitch in a live NBA game and wouldn’t even apologize to Durant. Then when Draymond later interviewed Durant, he blamed Warriors FO from preventing Green from fixing the situation one on one with Durant because the Warriors suspended him a game. Can somebody tell me how Draymond getting suspended prevent Draymond from patching things up with Durant?

    Dude is incapable of taking responsibilty for his actions. Of course he’s not going to try and smooth things over with Poole because in Draymond’s mind its always somebody else’s fault when bad things happen.

  15. briefchief

    Honestly he was doing Poole a favor. Who wants to have dinner with someone who recently suckerpunched them?

  16. yourasianmina

    Punch a guy in the grill and refuse to make up with him for the teams benefit. Nice

  17. MrAppleSpoink

    I’ve never seen a NBA player so renowned as a “great leader” while being such a brutally unlikeable person outside of Kobe and Jordan. It’s like he’s trying to be the most immature, selfish piece of shit possible.

  18. RVAIsTheGreatest

    But if you hear it from guys like Iguodala, Poole was ultimately the Bad Guy and the most responsible for the Warriors’ chemistry/locker room issues last season.

    I wonder what Moody and Kuminga think, because they’d have to see how their vets can be toward any young guy that threatens the heirarchy in any way. Draymond for me is good for the game but he’s an asshole that makes excuses for being an asshole. The media lets him get away with it because he’s part of it himself and gives good interviews and because of the Warriors’ success.

    Poole isn’t blameless but there’s not many guys who wouldn’t buckle under what he had to face last season.

  19. PooperJackson

    Draymond isn’t just a loud mouthed unlikable moron. He’s also a dirty player who deliberately tries to get players injured. He’s a complete scumbag.

  20. in_Need_of_peace

    Excited to see the Chris Paul/Draymond relationship flourish

  21. Kyro_Official_

    Asshole who should be in prison is an asshole. More at 11

  22. Necessary_Initial350

    Draymond is an asshole. Poole might be a cocky little shit.

    I dislike Draymond more than Poole so I’m biased, nonetheless it bothers me that him assaulting Poole has been slowly reworked into Poole deserving it cause he’s a ball hog and might have talked sum shit to Dray in practice.

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