@Milwaukee Bucks

Serious Cope from the Simmons-Sphere

**Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Extension Is a Big Deal—Unless It Isn’t**

*”The Milwaukee Bucks’ big offseason bet appears to have paid off with Giannis signing a new deal. Is he the outlier in the NBA’s superstar era, or have we seen this movie before?”*


TL;DR – “Even though Giannis re-signed he could still force his way out at any time, and just because he’s so loyal doesn’t mean he’s any better than any other star that forces their way off their team.” He even compares Giannis to Kawhi leaving Toronto after the chip when Kawhi made it clear from day 1 with Toronto he wasn’t going to re-sign with them.

by pseudocide


  1. Yeah I’m not gonna click that link. The Ringer exists to rage bait and manufacture clicks. Otherwise, people might realize Simmons is a man child who only got famous because his dad chose Celtics season tickets over his wife.

  2. Our-Gardian-Angel

    Didn’t seem like a particularly unreasonable article. Big extensions certainly don’t mean superstars are sticking around to the end of it in the NBA. Of course, Giannis forcing a trade isn’t something that I’m worried about much at all.

  3. InterestingVariety47

    I understand it’s not the “journalists” fault for writing articles like this. Sports media, especially national sports media, is all about hot takes to generate clicks. The more controversial the take, the more clicks. However, this type of writing is why I’m so grateful for the local media we have. Not every team has people like Jim O and Nehm to fall back on for actual insight into the players and team dynamics.

  4. FlipMoBitch

    The ringer isn’t allowed to talk positively about the bucks because Bill wants to pander to Lasry for his VC money.

  5. GreatCaesarGhost

    Well, it’s a fair point even if we don’t think that Giannis would play that game. Dame is proof that a player can force his way off a team no matter how many years remain on the contract.

  6. mtnsandmusic

    This article isn’t about Giannis or even NBA superstars. It is about how NBA pundits and experts almost never have any idea what is going to happen.

    I don’t know if Howard Beck means it this way but that’s what the article says to me.

  7. k_nuttles

    Big brain media talking point today is “we weren’t wrong, contracts don’t mean anything anyway.”

    Then why do you talk about them incessantly?!? Because you don’t know actual dick about the game of basketball?

  8. Kevin_Jim

    I never watch national media coverage, but today was an exception. It was a funeral. Everyone was so pissed that this happened. They where just an offseason away from daily rampant speculation they could ram through their audience, and to every single big market money.

    They actually lost an immense opportunity and I’m here for it. All their tears and salt made me float, like I was swimming in the dead (brain) sea.

  9. expletivenature

    I’m just enjoying the mental gymnastics these media clowns are performing to justify why their predictions have, again, been a train wreck.

  10. Maximum-Motor5028

    Had dinner with him once. Pompous as you might imagine. Wasn’t nearly the most “successful” guy at the table but acted like everyone was there for him. Had to always be the one talking and winning every point, even in areas where he had no idea.

    Not a fan.

  11. Bart_Dart

    Sure, even if for some reason he does decide to leave – which is a risk for every single player in the world – by signing his extension, that likelihood is greatly reduced and if he does demand a trade, the Bucks have significantly more leverage due to the length of his contract. Anyone thinking this is anything other than a massive W for the Bucks (and Giannis) is being intellectually dishonest.

  12. Jitkaas777

    Bucks just traded for the second best guard in the league. Giannis and Dame previously have had good off court chemistry. Giannis had demands for this off season in getting him an offensive threat to play with and his demands were met. Unless something drastic happens, then Giannis aint leaving for at a couple seasons.

  13. Temporary_Amoeba7726

    I wouldn’t take anything Bill says to heart concerning the Bucks. He stans for the Celtics so hard he can’t have a positive take regarding the Bucks. Since we traded for Dame he’s been trying to say we won’t be that good. He’s going through the same thing any fan does when their rival threatens them, convincing himself we aren’t that good or can’t stay that good so that the Celtics can prosper.

    Its fine you just need to remember everything he says comes from a place of Celtics copium.

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