@Los Angeles Lakers

Most infuriating part of the game for me

Most infuriating part of the game for me

by Vexationss


  1. sandbagsander

    They could’ve just done his usual sub out at the 6 minute mark for a 2 minute break and still be at 30 min for the game.

  2. Life_Ad_9518

    there will be games where he plays 32-33. I think the general rule will be under 32. From Bron’s quote I took that this 28 mins was some first night stuff.

  3. Physical-Lie-345

    Baffling, it’s the start of the season, it’s not like we’re talking about playing 4 games in five nights. Bron averaged 35 mins last season and played 55 games. However, wouldn’t have mattered given everyone struggled. As we already know… it’s not how you start the season 😁 better effort is needed from everyone including HAM 💡.

  4. Tall_Succotash

    Am I the only one who doesn’t mind the minutes being managed? ( we need a healthy bron by April!)The issue is everyone has to step up when bron sits.

  5. flowermoon24

    Benching C Wood too imo was dumb. He was getting his momentum multiple easy dunk. Putting him with AD was a smart move. Jokic looking lost out there, didnt know who to guard

  6. We’re not trying to win in October guys …

    If Ham followed you geniuses’ advice he’d play Bron and AD 48 minutes per game and they’d die by December

  7. Flynnsanity23

    This pissed me off too but everybody else should’ve stepped up. It pisses me off to see Lebron get criticized the most for the whole teams fuck ups

  8. Vexationss

    I’m fine with LeBron minutes managing, he’s 38 and shouldn’t have to carry the full offensive load (AD). But come on man you have the momentum down 4 and you bench your best player, not the time for that at all.

  9. UD_Hunter

    Yeah no issue with this .

    If we’re gonna rely on 39 year old Lebron again this season to bail out us out every game , then just throw in the towel already. Team is going nowhere , those other bums need to step up

  10. RemoveHuman

    I liked it. No need to overreact over 1 game. Guys need to step up with Lebron out. If Lebron has to carry us to wins we won’t win.

  11. YesterShill

    The plus/minus when LeBron was playing versus when he was on the bench was insane.

  12. jackylegssss

    He’s old, and it’s game 1. After what happened to Kobe in 2013, and Lebron last year, this was a good move. The Lakers can take an L out of 82, they can’t take an injured Lebron.

  13. _its_a_SWEATER_

    Winning the first game of the season is nice, but it’s not the whole damn season. Stop crying, people.

  14. niknokseyer

    Yup. You don’t ruin your own team’s momentum.

  15. Rokarion14

    He was tired and didn’t put his hand up on d for two consecutive possessions. Both were nuggets scores.

  16. redundantPOINT

    Ah yes, game 1 of 82 and we’re already here

  17. GrapefruitMedical529

    People. We absolutely crushed it last year with Bron out. We can do fine without him-this loss hurts but Bron can’t be spammed like he’s 25 anymore.

  18. ValuableAssociate8

    This game was too important, coach has to access when and when not to pull Bron. Can’t pull him when we are closest when been all game. Just not smart.

    The chance to beat the defending champs game 1 would have been momentous for us moving forward. Little decision like that matter.

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